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- Stanze in affitto
- stanza in affitto in appartamento san martino
Affittasi libera dal 1 Aprile 2025 bella camera per studenti/dottorandi/specializzandi in Via San Martino in appartamento signorile condiviso con altri tre ragazzi.L'importo della locazione ammonta ad euro 350 mensili ed è comprensiva di condominio, acqua, tassa sui rifiuti.
Agenzia Dama Immobiliare è lieta di proporre in locazione stanze singole per studenti nel prestigioso quartiere Ca Ossi, all'interno di un villino signorile con ingresso indipendente, situato in una zona residenziale tranquilla, servita e silenziosa.Le stanze, finemente arredate, sono dotate di ogni comfort: comodo letto ad una piazza e mezzo, scrivania, armadio, comodino, aria condizionata e connessione Wi-Fi. Gli spazi comuni dell'abitazione includono un ampio salone con terrazzo, una cucina abitabile con elettrodomestici nuovi, illuminazione a LED in ogni ambiente e infissi con doppio vetro, per garantire massima efficienza energetica.La proprietà dispone inoltre di un ampio garage doppio, adibito a rimessaggio biciclette, e di una lavanderia. Sono presenti ben 4 bagni, distribuiti per garantire comodità a tutti gli inquilini.Il canone mensile per una stanza singola è di € 370, a cui vanno aggiunti € 80 per le utenze e le spese condominiali. Non perdere l'opportunità di vivere in un contesto esclusivo e confortevole, perfetto per gli studenti! Contattaci per maggiori informazioni o per prenotare una visita al numero 0543 28029
Sul viale S. Martino, zona Piscina Comunale, si affitta una stanza USO UFFICIO in studio già avviato settore tecnico-immobiliare. In comune archivio, ripostiglio e bagno.Secondo piano con ascensore. Zona ben servita dai mezzi pubblici.Ottima soluzione per studio di consulenza assicurativa, finanziaria, edile etc.. .Infoline 360.884325 anche whatsapp.
Viale S. Martino, proprio di fronte la Piscina Comunale e la fermata del tram Don Orione, affittiamo una camera ampia e luminosa dotata di climatizzzatore con letto a due piazze.In comune cucina, bagno e ripostiglio. Piano rialzato con finestra esposta sul viale.In zona, ben servita dai mezzi pubblici, tutte le attività commerciali di prima e seconda necessità.Ulteriori info al n. 360/884325 anche whatsapp.
S. Martino in Rio Afffittasi due camere matrimoniali in villetta a schiera ben arredata e tenuta bene, Si trova in posizione centrale vicino a tutti i servizi. Gli spazi comuni come il soggiorno, la cucina, i bagni e il giardinetto sono condivisibili, le camere sono due. l'altra è occupata dalla proprietaria sporadicamente. l'affitto è rivolto a sole donne e soprattutto persone lavoratrici o studenti con garanzie, gente educata e tranquilla. il canone richiesto è di € 400 + le utenze da dividere per tre, per inf. telefonare al.
Stanza in Via Giovanni torti, Genova. Appartamento condiviso con altri 2 lavoratori. Distante 5 minuti dall'ospedale San martino, con supermercati a portata di mano. In ottimo stato, perfetto per lavoratori o studenti. 300 euro di affitto + 100 euro di oneri condominiali in forma forfetaria. Disponibile dal primo aprile.
Genova, parte bassa di Via Donghi, zona San Martino, in palazzo ben tenuto e con ascensore, fermata mezzi pubblici e servizi vari (negozi, supermercati, farmacia ecc) vicinissimi. Situato a due minuti a piedi dall'Ospedale San Martino, affitto in appartamento al 1° piano completamente ristrutturato: - stanza singola con balconcino su cortile interno, TV, frigo in camera, aria condizionata in pompa di calore e arredamento completo (300 euro). Nel prezzo di affitto sono escluse le spese di amministrazione, le utenze varie, la pulizia alloggio e la tassa rifiuti che verranno computate mensilmente e divise per gli inquilini presenti. L'appartamento, con pavimenti in graniglia è completamente arredato di tutto: - bagno nuovo con lavatrice, doccia con mosaico e doppio soffione; - cucina ristrutturata con elettrodomestici e tutto l'occorrente di pentole, piatti e accessori vari; - ogni porta delle stanze ha una serratura Yale diversa per maggiore sicurezza; - letto con rete a doghe. Ci sono altre due camere singole che sono già affittate a 2 studenti (una ragazza e un ragazzo). Tel al 3467289814 per maggiori informazioni. Alessandro.
Premessa: L'appartamento è misto maschi e femmine, ma per mantenere l'equilibrio di genere al momento stiamo cercando una ragazza.VIA SAN MARTINO (QUARTIERE S. MARTINO) - In appartamento moderno arredato a nuovo e con gusto in posizione strategica…STANZA SINGOLA libera dal 1 GENNAIO a 450 euro al mese con canone TUTTO COMPRESO*.*COSA VUOL DIRE TUTTO COMPRESO?: Dentro il canone di affitto sono già conteggiati i costi per:- bollette (acqua, luce e gas), - internet;- costi di gestione (amministrazione e tassa dei rifiuti); - controllo periodico della caldaia;- PULIZIA degli spazi comuniTutto questo rientra nel canone mensile di 450 euro. Sai già esattamente quanto spenderai ogni mese della tua permanenza in casa.CARATTERISTICHE DELL’APPARTAMENTO:- 4 stanze spaziose tutte singole;- Cucina completamente equipaggiata con forno, frigo con freezer, set di stoviglie completo;- 1 Bagno doccia;- Lavatrice- Acqua calda da caldaia a gas (NO boiler elettrico)CARATTERISTICHE DELLA STANZE:- Dimensione: 17 mq di superficie- Arredi: 1 letto a una piazza e mezza, comodino, 1 armadio a tre ante, cassettiera, scrivania con sedia, libreria.- Accessori: Specchio a figura intera, due lampade di cui una per il comodino e una per la scrivania.CARATTERISTICA DELLA ZONA:Siamo in VIA SAN MARTINO, nel cuore dell’omonimo quartiere di San Martino noto soprattutto per il grande ospedale e le numerose facoltà universitarie. Stabile in ottimo stato, in zona residenziale molto tranquilla, anche di notte.A pochi passi dall’appartamento si trovano diversi supermercati, panificio, macelleria, negozio di ortofrutta, farmacia e inoltre bar, locali, ristoranti e pizzerie.MEZZI PUBBLICI:A pochi passi dal portone del palazzo, si trovano le fermata degli autobus in direzione Levante, mentre nella sottostante corso Europa si trovano le fermate degli autobus che collegano direttamente con il centro e la stazione di Brignole.LA STANZA E' DISPONIBILE DAL 1 GENNAIOQUANTI MESI DI CAUZIONE?ZERO, ma...Per avviare il contratto di affitto, viene richiesto il pagamento forfait solo una volta di massimo 350 euro (cifra che varia in base alla lunghezza del contratto) che sostituiscono le solite due o tre mensilità di cauzione e che comprendono: - Assicurazione (nessun danno accidentale a terzi sarà economicamente imputato all’inquilino)- Spese e tasse di registrazione contratto - Forfait sulle manutenzioni ordinaria della casa- Forfait per pulizie e lavori di ripristino finali della stanza quando andrai via. Con la stessa identica quota che ha pagato l’inquilino prima di te, ti faremo trovare una stanza ben sistemata e pulita a fondo.NOTA BENE: Soggiorno minimo richiesto, 12 mesi.
Rif: 134 - Stai cercando una stanza in affitto???Magari a pochi passi dal Policlinico???ABBIAMO QUELLO CHE FA PER TE!!Provinciale - Via Vittorio Veneto. Disponiamo una stanza per studentessa in appartamento posto al 4° quarto piano SENZA ASCENSORE ,in un appartamento composto da due camere servite di balcone comune, un funzionale cucina ed un bagno La zona è ottimamente servita, nelle immediate vicinanze possiamo trovare supermercati, banche, farmacie, ATM, fermata bus e tram, scuole a pochi passi, oltre che tutti i principali servizi e negozi, anche lo svicolo autostradale di Gazzi. Per avere ulteriori informazioni o per fissare un appuntamento può chiamarci allo 0909216795 o passarci a trovare sul Viale San Martino, 381 -Messina o tramite il nostro indirizzo di posta elettronica
Genova, parte bassa di Via Donghi, zona San Martino, in palazzo ben tenuto e con ascensore, fermata mezzi pubblici e servizi vari (negozi, supermercati, farmacia ecc) vicinissimi. Situato a due minuti a piedi dall'Ospedale San Martino, affitto in appartamento al 1° piano completamente ristrutturato: - stanza singola con balconcino su cortile interno, TV, frigo in camera, aria condizionata in pompa di calore e arredamento completo (300 euro). Nel prezzo di affitto sono escluse le spese di amministrazione, le utenze varie, la pulizia alloggio e la tassa rifiuti che verranno computate mensilmente e divise per gli inquilini presenti. L'appartamento, con pavimenti in graniglia è completamente arredato di tutto: - bagno nuovo con lavatrice, doccia con mosaico e doppio soffione; - cucina ristrutturata con elettrodomestici e tutto l'occorrente di pentole, piatti e accessori vari; - ogni porta delle stanze ha una serratura Yale diversa per maggiore sicurezza; - letto con rete a doghe. Ci sono altre due camere singole che sono già affittate a 2 studenti (una ragazza e un ragazzo). Tel per maggiori informazioni. Alessandro.
Stai cercando una stanza in affitto???Magari a pochi passi dal Policlinico???ABBIAMO QUELLO CHE FA PER TE!!Provinciale - Via Vittorio Veneto. Disponiamo una stanza per studentessa in appartamento posto al 4° quarto piano SENZA ASCENSORE ,in un appartamento composto da due camere servite di balcone comune, un funzionale cucina ed un bagno La zona è ottimamente servita, nelle immediate vicinanze possiamo trovare supermercati, banche, farmacie, ATM, fermata bus e tram, scuole a pochi passi, oltre che tutti i principali servizi e negozi, anche lo svicolo autostradale di Gazzi. Per avere ulteriori informazioni o per fissare un appuntamento può chiamarci allo 0909216795 o passarci a trovare sul Viale San Martino, 381 -Messina o tramite il nostro indirizzo di posta elettronica - Classe: G
Premessa: L'appartamento è misto maschi e femmine, ma per mantenere l'equilibrio di genere al momento stiamo cercando una ragazza.VIA SAN MARTINO (QUARTIERE S. MARTINO) - In appartamento moderno arredato a nuovo e con gusto in posizione strategica...STANZA SINGOLA libera dal 1 FEBBRAIO a 450 euro al mese con canone TUTTO COMPRESO*.*COSA VUOL DIRE TUTTO COMPRESO?:Dentro il canone di affitto sono già conteggiati i costi per:- bollette (acqua, luce e gas),- internet;- costi di gestione (amministrazione e tassa dei rifiuti);- controllo periodico della caldaia;- PULIZIA degli spazi comuniTutto questo rientra nel canone mensile di 450 euro. Sai già esattamente quanto spenderai ogni mese della tua permanenza in casa.CARATTERISTICHE DELL'APPARTAMENTO:- 4 stanze spaziose tutte singole;- Cucina completamente equipaggiata con forno, frigo con freezer, set di stoviglie completo;- 1 Bagno doccia;- Lavatrice- Acqua calda da caldaia a gas (NO boiler elettrico)CARATTERISTICA DELLA STANZA:- Dimensione: 14 mq di superficie- Arredi: 1 letto a una piazza e mezza, comodino, 1 armadio a tre ante, cassettiera, scrivania con sedia, libreria.- Accessori: Specchio a figura intera, due lampade di cui una per il comodino e una per la scrivania.LA STANZA E' DISPONIBILE DAL 1 FEBBRAIOQUANTI MESI DI CAUZIONE?ZERO, ma...Per avviare il contratto di affitto, viene richiesto il pagamento forfait solo una volta di massimo 350 euro (cifra che varia in base alla lunghezza del contratto) che sostituiscono le solite due o tre mensilità di cauzione e che comprendono:- Assicurazione (nessun danno accidentale a terzi sarà economicamente imputato all'inquilino)- Spese e tasse di registrazione contratto- Forfait sulle manutenzioni ordinaria della casa- Forfait per pulizie e lavori di ripristino finali della stanza quando andrai via.Con la stessa identica quota che ha pagato l'inquilino prima di te, ti faremo trovare una stanza ben sistemata e pulita a fondo.
Genova zona Sturla/Borgoratti comodissimo Ospedale San Martino e Gaslini / università.in ampio appartamento ristrutturato di circa 100 mq, sito al 4^piano con ascensore completamente arredato e fornito di tutti gli elettrodomestici, riscaldamento centralizzato composto da cucina con balcone, sala da pranzo, bagno completo ed un bagno di servizio, doppio ripostiglio, si affittano 2 stanze matrimoniali uso singolo (di cui una con balcone) ed 1 stanza singola riservate esclusivamente a studentesse. Le camere saranno tutte disponibili da luglio 2025.Appartamento fornito di connessione internet Fibra 1 Gb/s, aria condizionata e televisori in tutte le camere.situato in contesto residenziale ben abitato comodissimo a mezzi pubblici e servizi (fermata Corso Europa/Timavo a 2 minuti).contratto da definire con la proprieta' in base alle proprie esigenze.canone di affitto:- 350 euro camera singola;- 400 euro camera matrimoniale;escluso amministrazione(circa 40 euro mensili) ed utenze.completano la soluzione un posto auto libero.
Novara (San Martino) - Libera subito - Cod. Rif. A3189-2SOLO PER DOCENTI, STUDENTESSE, SPECIALIZZANDE IN MEDICINA, INFERMIEREFASCIA D'ETA' 19-35 ANNIPER STUDENTESSE GARANTE RICHIESTO CON CONTRATTO DI LAVORO A TEMPO INDETERMINATO FULL-TIMEA pochi passi dai servizi offerti dal Viale Roma e dal Corso Torino, e a soli 500 metri dall'Ospedale Maggiore proponiamo in affitto, al secondo piano SENZA ASCENSORE, questa STANZA ARREDATA di 16 mq dotata di LETTO SINGOLO, IN APPARTAMENTO CONDIVISO, AFFITTABILE SOLO A DONNE.L'immobile, TERMOAUTONOMO e parzialmente ristrutturato, è composto da ingresso, soggiorno, cucinotto, BAGNO FINESTRATO con box doccia e lavatrice, e 3 STANZE SINGOLE dotate di LETTO, SCRIVANIA, POLTRONA E ARMADIO.Completa l'offerta il BALCONE con annesso RIPOSTIGLIO.Il prezzo è da ritenersi comprensivo di spese condominiali e di TUTTE LE UTENZE, salvo conguaglio periodico.Internet con wi-fi incluso nel prezzo.Libera subito!Cod. Rif. A3189-2
Affitto, a sole studentesse universitarie, 2 stanze doppie, anche a uso singolo (letti separati o matrimoniale) in appartamento completamente ristrutturato in Via Barrili (vicina all'Ospedale San Martino e alla Casa dello Studente, comodo alle Università scientifiche, 4 fermate bus dalla stazione Brignole), L 'appartamento ha una superficie di 99 mq ed è composto da un ampio living con zona cottura (con lavastoviglie), doppi servizi (entrambi con doccia), 3 camere da letto (2 doppie, eventualmente uso singolo, 1 singola). Accessori : riscaldamento centralizzato con valvole termostatiche, porta blindata, cassetta di sicurezza per ogni stanza, WiFi, TV nella zona comune e collegamento per l'antenna in ogni camera, lavastoviglie, frigo con congelatore, piano cottura a induzione, forno a micro onde, boiler elettrico, lavatrice.Locazione transitoria per studenti universitari con canone agevolato (art. 5, comma 2, L. 431/98 e art. D.M. 16/01/2017, con cedolare secca (senza spese di bollo e registrazione)., Caparra 2 mensilità, + anticipo spese amministrazione e utenze (Enel, WiFi, ecc) pari ad ? 50,00 mensili a persona, salvo conguaglio. Le spese saranno ripartite in base alle persone che vivono nell'appartamentoImporto mensile 290 euro se uso singolo, 145 euro se in 2. 1 LIBERE DAL 1° MARZO 2025
Affitto, a sole studentesse universitarie, 2 stanze doppie, anche a uso singolo (letti separati o matrimoniale) in appartamento completamente ristrutturato in Via Barrili (vicina all'Ospedale San Martino e alla Casa dello Studente, comodo alle Università scientifiche, 4 fermate bus dalla stazione Brignole), L 'appartamento ha una superficie di 99 mq ed è composto da un ampio living con zona cottura (con lavastoviglie), doppi servizi (entrambi con doccia), 3 camere da letto (2 doppie, eventualmente uso singolo, 1 singola). Accessori : riscaldamento centralizzato con valvole termostatiche, porta blindata, cassetta di sicurezza per ogni stanza, WiFi, TV nella zona comune e collegamento per l'antenna in ogni camera, lavastoviglie, frigo con congelatore, piano cottura a induzione, forno a micro onde, boiler elettrico, lavatrice.Locazione transitoria per studenti universitari con canone agevolato (art. 5, comma 2, L. 431/98 e art. D.M. 16/01/2017, con cedolare secca (senza spese di bollo e registrazione)., Caparra 2 mensilità, + anticipo spese amministrazione e utenze (Enel, WiFi, ecc) pari ad ? 50,00 mensili a persona, salvo conguaglio. Le spese saranno ripartite in base alle persone che vivono nell'appartamentoImporto mensile 290 euro se uso singolo, 145 euro se in 2. 1 LIBERA DAL 1° FEBBRAIO E 1 DAL 1° MARZO 2025
Zona San Martino comodo Ospedale affittasi ampia e luminosa stanza matrimoniale ad uso singola in appartamento condiviso con due ragazzi universitari specializzandiL'immobile si trova in contesto privato ed è composto da tre camere, ingresso, cucina, bagno, salotto e balcone ed è completamente arredato e dotato di tutti gli elettrodomestici inclusa la lavastoviglie.Riscaldamento centralizzato Disponibile da gennaio € 400,00 più spese Carla Cell. 3493330702No agenzie
GENOVA- Si affitta dall'1 febbraio 2025 stanza a persona (pulita, rispettosa e puntuale nei pagamenti. Preferibilmente donna tra i 22 e i 35 anni).Casa è a 4 Min a piedi dall'ospedale San Martino, una traversa di via Donghi, vicina a fermate bus, posta, supermercati, pizzeria, bar.. Appartamento luminoso e lontano dai rumori del traffico. Strada tranquilla, chiusa alla sua fine alle auto ma con cancello di accesso diretto per pedoni all'Ospedale San Martino. Settimo piano ascensorato, 3 stanze (due occupate da una ragazza di 27 anni e un ragazzo di 26 anni, puliti e silenziosi) e bagno (con doccia) + cucina in comune. Dotato di riscaldamento, ripostiglio, lavatrice, forno elettrico, balconi con vista sia in bagno che cucina.La stanza è luminosa, con 2 letti ad una piazza unibili (in foto uno, disponibile un secondo. Stanza solo ad uso singolo), armadio, scrivania con sedia, termosifone, finestra ampia. Prezzo ottimo: 220€ al mese (condominio compreso. Luce e gas a consumo).Contratto fino ad ottobre 2025, rinnovabile.Non sono ammessi animali domestici. !!IMPORTANTE per esigenze contrattuali della proprietaria:-preferibilmente lavoratrice-NO residenti a Genova-NON è possibile richiedere residenza in questa casa.Non fumatoriSe interessato/a contattami SOLO su WhatsApp al +39 3460015443 (Alessia) per altre info
Ottima zona a San Martino con numerosi servizi, supermercati , farmacie, ristoranti bar , centro commerciale, autobus diretti in centro e stazione ferroviaria. Stanza in condivisione in appartamento terzo piano senza ascensore, bagno e cucina in comune con l'altra stanza.Nell'affitto sono compresi, luce, gas, internet,riscaldamento.Libera subito!!
Affittasi stanza grande con letto matrimoniale, scrivania e armadio grande in appartamento in condivisione dotato di wi-fi, bagno nuovo, cucina con tutti gli elettrodomesticiL'appartamento è attaccato all'ospedale San Martino
trova affitto non è un'agenzia immobiliare e non svolge attività di mediazione. e' un inserzionista che offre un servizio informativo di accesso ad una banca dati, contenente offerte di immobili di proprietari privati reperibili gratuitamente anche su altri portali.non ci sono costi di mediazione ma un'unica quota per usufruire del nostro serviziochiamateci senza impegno per maggiori informazionil'indirizzo dell'immobile è indicativo della zona per preservare la privacy della proprietàrif-ca749a genova in zona san martino proponiamo camera singola in ampio appartamento di circa 100 mq completamente arredato e ristrutturato posto al primo piano. situato in contesto residenziale ben abitato comodo a mezzi pubblici e servizi l'immobile e' composto da:ampio ingressosoggiorno con cucina a vista4 camere da lettobagnocontratto da definire con la proprieta' in base alle propri esigenzecanone di affitto 300 euro amministrazione inclusa (acqua, riscaldamento, pulizia scale)completano la soluzione il giardino condominiale e il posto auto libero
ALIAS 9B - SPACIOUS SINGLE ROOM IN HISTORICAL CENTERWelcome to Alias: Interno 9B, offering a charming single room in Pisa's historical center at an attractive monthly rate of 300 euros. Please consider the additional 110 euros utility forfait covering water, electricity, gas, heating, internet, and condominium fees, payable upon arrival.Room Details:Type: Single room with beautiful viewLocation: Exquisite Pisan Palace with antique furnishingsFlat Setup: 5 single rooms, shared kitchen/living room, 1 bathroomMonthly Rent: 300 eurosAdditional Services:Bedding Package: 4 bedsheets, 2 pillowcases, 2 blankets available for 40 euros (10-euro refund upon return)Key Handover: Keys provided on arrival, photos taken of room and common areas.Rental and Financial Conditions:Payments (Cash on check-in): Second monthly rent and 2 months of deposit in cash (utilities included), 75 euros for contract registration, 90 euros for the first month's utilities, and a 30-euro deposit for house and room keys (refundable).Fixed Utilities: 90 euros per month covering cold and hot water, gas, electricity (50 Kw/month/person), condominium fees, and unlimited internet.Utility Adjustments: Higher consumption billed bi-monthly, deducted from the deposit.Rent Payment: Bi-monthly, due every second day of the month. Late payments incur deductions from the deposit.Deposit Return: Via bank transfer if the room is returned clean.Discount Options (Inquire before booking):A) 5% discount for paying full rent in advance (within two days from check-in), requiring one month's deposit.B) If you rent the room for 9 or 10 months, a 10% discount (monthly rent to be considered is utilities excluded). The discount is applicable and reimbursed on the last month's rent.Additional Information:Cleaning Fees: 50 euros per room, 80 euros for common areas, 50 euros for each bathroom if not returned clean.Waste Disposal: Tenants responsible for informing the Municipality of Pisa and obtaining a magnetic card for organic waste disposal.Termination Conditions:Notify 3 months in advance for 6 to 9-month contracts, 2 months for 1 to 5-month contracts. Failure to find a replacement may result in losing the 2-month deposit.Monthly Contract: Rent due for each calendar month, including move-in and move-out.Helping Foreign Students:Noise Regulations: Quiet hours from 23:00 to 08:00. Fines for violations.Codice Fiscale: Obtain at "Ufficio delle Entrate" for contract registration.Viewings: Generally not provided due to platform policies.Important Notes:Strictly no smoking or drug use. Violations result in eviction, with the loss of rents and deposit.Compliance with Municipality of Pisa and condominium regulations is mandatory.Visa Refunds: Possible within 30 days before arrival; after 30 days from booking confirmation, refund of the first monthly rent is not possible.Additional Guest Policy:Tenant must seek written authorization for guests.Fee of 2 euros/day/guest (max 4 days) payable to the landlord.For guests beyond 5 days, the tenant must pay an extra lump sum of 70 euros every 15 days.Note: Deposit cannot be used to pay rent under Italian law.To reserve this accommodation, send a booking request or a message, and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
ALIAS 9A - SINGLE ROOM IN HISTORICAL CENTERDiscover the allure of Alias: Interno 9A, offering a single room in Pisa's historical center at a monthly rate of 300 euros. Please consider the additional 110 euros utility forfait covering water, electricity, gas, heating, internet, and condominium fees, payable upon arrival.Room Details:Type: Single roomLocation: Exquisite Pisan Palace with antique furnishingsFlat Setup: 5 single rooms, shared kitchen/living room, 1 bathroomMonthly Rent: 300 eurosAdditional Services:Bedding Package: 4 bedsheets, 2 pillowcases, 2 blankets available for 40 euros (10-euro refund upon return)Key Handover: Keys provided on arrival, photos taken of room and common areas.Rental and Financial Conditions:Payments (Cash on check-in): Second monthly rent and 2 months of deposit in cash (utilities included), 75 euros for contract registration, 70 euros for the first month's utilities, and a 30-euro deposit for house and room keys (refundable).Fixed Utilities: 90 euros per month covering cold and hot water, gas, electricity (50 Kw/month/person), condominium fees, and unlimited internet.Utility Adjustments: Higher consumption billed bi-monthly, deducted from the deposit.Rent Payment: Bi-monthly, due every second day of the month. Late payments incur deductions from the deposit.Deposit Return: Via bank transfer if the room is returned clean.Discount Options (Inquire before booking):A) 5% discount for paying full rent in advance (within two days from check-in), requiring one month's deposit.B) 10% discount for renting for 9 or 10 months, applicable and reimbursed on the last month's rent.Additional Information:Cleaning Fees: 50 euros per room, 80 euros for common areas, 50 euros for each bathroom if not returned clean.Waste Disposal: Tenants responsible for informing the Municipality of Pisa and obtaining a magnetic card for organic waste disposal.Termination Conditions:Notify 3 months in advance for 6 to 9-month contracts, 2 months for 1 to 5-month contracts. Failure to find a replacement may result in losing the 2-month deposit.Monthly Contract: Rent due for each calendar month, including move-in and move-out.Helping Foreign Students:Noise Regulations: Quiet hours from 23:00 to 08:00. Fines for violations.Codice Fiscale: Obtain at "Ufficio delle Entrate" for contract registration.Viewings: Generally not provided due to platform policies.Important Notes:Strictly no smoking or drug use. Violations result in eviction, with loss of rents and deposit.Compliance with Municipality of Pisa and condominium regulations is mandatory.Visa Refunds: Possible within 30 days before arrival; after 30 days from booking confirmation, refund of the first monthly rent is not possible.Additional Guest Policy:Tenant must seek written authorization for guests.Fee of 2 euros/day/guest (max 4 days) payable to the landlord.For guests beyond 5 days, tenant must pay an extra lump sum of 70 euros every 15 days.Note: Deposit cannot be used to pay rent under Italian law.To reserve this accommodation, send a booking request or a message, and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
ALIAS 6C,Utility Costs:Due to constant increases in energy costs, the property reserves the right to adjust utility prices with prior notice.Single Room Rent:260 per month! INITIAL PAYMENT : On arrival, cash payment includes the second monthly rent, a 2-month deposit (including utilities), 75 contract registration fee, and a 30 key deposit (refundable).Please consider an additional 110 flat fee for utilities, covering cold and hot water, electricity, gas, heating, internet, and condominium fees. This is payable upon your arrival.If you want to have a memorable experience in Pisa, living in a building with Italian and international students, choose one of the rooms (check the code below the description: the number corresponds to the flat, the letter to the room). I'm Giovanni, an engineer hosting international students for many years.Room Details:Spacious and bright room in an exquisite Pisan Palace, right in the historical center on the third floor. The entire apartment is furnished with antique furniture. The building houses 4 flats rented to international students and young professionals. The flat comprises 6 single rooms, 2 bathrooms, and a furnished kitchen with a large table.Please note that the room does not include a blanket and pillow. I can provide you with 4 bedsheets, 2 pillowcases, and 2 blankets for 40. If returned clean and undamaged, I'll refund you 10.Additional Information:Higher utility consumption billed every two months and deducted from the deposit.Rent is paid bi-monthly, every second day of the month. Late payments result in calculated delay days, and the deposit is reimbursed via bank transfer after 15 days plus the number of days delayed.Deposit is refunded only by bank transfer at the end of the stay if the room is returned clean.Smoking and drug use are not allowed. Violation leads to immediate police notification, resulting in the loss of rent and deposit.Discounts:A) 5% discount on the total contract value (excluding utilities) and only one month of deposit needed for full rent payment in advance (within two days from check-in).B) 10% discount for renting the room for 9 or 10 months (excluding utilities). Applicable and reimbursed on the last month's rent.Early Termination:Notify three months in advance for 6 to 9 months booking; two months for 1 to 5 months booking. Find a new tenant for the free spot; otherwise, you risk losing the 2-month rent deposit.Monthly Contract:Rent is paid for each calendar month of the booking, including the move-in and move-out months.Helping Foreign Students:Noise regulations: Quiet hours from 23:00 to 08:00. No music or parties during these hours to avoid fines.Codice Fiscale: Necessary for contract registration.Viewings: Generally not provided.Visa refunds possible within thirty days before arrival if denied by the embassy. No refund after 30 days from booking confirmation.Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible before booking. To reserve, send a booking request or message, mentioning your age and occupation.I'm looking forward to meeting you!Giovanni, Engineer and Host of International Students in Pisa.\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
ALIAS 9C - COZY MEZZANINE ROOM IN HISTORICAL CENTERWelcome to Alias: Interno 9C, offering a delightful single room in the heart of Pisa's historical center at an attractive monthly rate of 250 euros. Please consider the additional 110 euros utility forfait covering water, electricity, gas, heating, internet, and condominium fees, payable upon arrival.Room Details:Type: Mezzanine room in an exquisite Pisan Palace with antique furnishingsLocation: Right in the historical center, providing a unique living experienceFlat Setup: 5 single rooms, shared kitchen/living room, 1 bathroomMonthly Rent: 250 eurosAdditional Services:Bedding Package: 4 bedsheets, 2 pillowcases, 2 blankets available for 40 euros (10-euro refund upon return)Key Handover: Keys provided on arrival, photos taken of room and common areas.Rental and Financial Conditions:Payments (Cash on check-in): Second monthly rent and 2 months of deposit in cash (utilities included), 75 euros for contract registration, 90 euros for the first month's utilities, and a 30-euro deposit for house and room keys (refundable).Fixed Utilities: 90 euros per month covering cold and hot water, gas, electricity (50 Kw/month/person), condominium fees, and unlimited internet.Utility Adjustments: Higher consumption billed bi-monthly, deducted from the deposit.Rent Payment: Bi-monthly, due every second day of the month. Late payments incur deductions from the deposit.Deposit Return: Via bank transfer if the room is returned clean.Discount Options (Inquire before booking):A) 5% discount for paying full rent in advance (within two days from check-in), requiring one month's deposit.B) If you rent the room for 9 or 10 months, a 10% discount (monthly rent to be considered is utilities excluded). The discount is applicable and reimbursed on the last month's rent.Additional Information:Cleaning Fees: 50 euros per room, 80 euros for common areas, 50 euros for each bathroom if not returned clean.Waste Disposal: Tenants responsible for informing the Municipality of Pisa and obtaining a magnetic card for organic waste disposal.Termination Conditions:Notify 3 months in advance for 6 to 9-month contracts, 2 months for 1 to 5-month contracts. Failure to find a replacement may result in losing the 2-month deposit.Monthly Contract: Rent due for each calendar month, including move-in and move-out.Helping Foreign Students:Noise Regulations: Quiet hours from 23:00 to 08:00. Fines for violations.Codice Fiscale: Obtain at "Ufficio delle Entrate" for contract registration.Viewings: Generally not provided due to platform policies.Important Notes:Strictly no smoking or drug use. Violations result in eviction, with the loss of rents and deposit.Compliance with Municipality of Pisa and condominium regulations is mandatory.Visa Refunds: Possible within 30 days before arrival; after 30 days from booking confirmation, refund of the first monthly rent is not possible.Additional Guest Policy:Tenant must seek written authorization for guests.Fee of 2 euros/day/guest (max 4 days) payable to the landlord.For guests beyond 5 days, the tenant must pay an extra lump sum of 70 euros every 15 days.Note: Deposit cannot be used to pay rent under Italian law.To reserve this accommodation, send a booking request or a message, and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
ALIAS 8C - SINGLE ROOM IN HISTORICAL CENTERExplore the charm of Alias: Interno 8C, offering a single room in the heart of Pisa's historical center at a monthly rate of 320 euros. Please note the additional utility forfait of 110 euros, covering water, electricity, gas, heating, internet, and condominium fees, payable upon arrival.Room Details:Type: Single roomLocation: Exquisite Pisan Palace with antique furnishingsFlat Setup: 4 single rooms, shared kitchen/living room, 1 bathroom (Female tenants only)Monthly Rent: 320 eurosAdditional Services:Bedding Package: 4 bedsheets, 2 pillowcases, 2 blankets available for 40 euros (10-euro refund upon return)Key Handover: Keys provided on arrival, photos taken of room and common areas.Rental and Financial Conditions:Payments (Cash on check-in): Second monthly rent, 2-month deposit (utilities included), 75 euros for contract registration, 90 euros for first-month utilities, and a 30-euro deposit for house and room keys (refundable).Fixed Utilities: 90 euros per month covering cold and hot water, gas, electricity (50 Kw/month/person), condominium fees, and unlimited internet.Utility Adjustments: Higher consumption billed bi-monthly, deducted from the deposit.Rent Payment: Bi-monthly, due every second day of the month. Late payments incur deductions from the deposit.Deposit Return: Via bank transfer if the room is returned clean.Discount Options (Inquire before booking):A) 5% discount for paying full rent in advance (within two days from check-in), requiring one month's deposit.B) 10% discount for renting for 9 or 10 months, applicable and reimbursed on the last month's rent.Additional Information:Cleaning Fees: 50 euros per room, 80 euros for common areas, 50 euros for each bathroom if not returned clean.Waste Disposal: Tenants responsible for informing the Municipality of Pisa and obtaining a magnetic card for organic waste disposal.Termination Conditions:Notify 3 months in advance for 6 to 9-month contracts, 2 months for 1 to 5-month contracts. Failure to find a replacement may result in losing the 2-month deposit.Monthly Contract: Rent due for each calendar month, including move-in and move-out.Helping Foreign Students:Noise Regulations: Quiet hours from 23:00 to 08:00. Fines for violations.Codice Fiscale: Obtain at "Ufficio delle Entrate" for contract registration.Viewings: Generally not provided due to platform policies.Important Notes:Strictly no smoking or drug use. Violations result in eviction, with loss of rents and deposit.Compliance with Municipality of Pisa and condominium regulations is mandatory.Visa Refunds: Possible within 30 days before arrival; after 30 days from booking confirmation, refund of the first monthly rent is not possible.Additional Guest Policy:Tenant must seek written authorization for guests.Fee of 2 euros/day/guest (max 4 days) payable to the landlord.For guests beyond 5 days, tenant must pay an extra lump sum of 70 euros every 15 days.Note: Deposit cannot be used to pay rent under Italian law.To reserve this accommodation, send a booking request or a message, and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
ALIAS 6ACOSTI UTENZE: Viste i costanti aumenti dei costi dell'energia, la proprietà si riserva la possibilità di cambiare i costi delle utenze previa comunicazione.ENERGY COSTS, the property reserve the right to adapt the price of utilities in relationship with the market situation.SINGLE ROOM RENT 320 euro per month! Take in consideration that 110euro forfait for the utilities which includes cold and hot water, electricity, gas, heating, internet, condominium fee has to be paid at the moment of your arrival.If you want to enjoy your experience in Pisa living in a building with Italian and international students choose one of the room (check the code below the description: the number corresponds to the flat, the letter to the room). I'm Giovanni, an engineer hosting international student since many years.Spacious and bright room located in an exquisite Pisan Palace, right in the historical center, third floor. Furniture of the entire apartment is antique. In the building there are 4 flat rented to international students and young professional workers.The flat has 6 single room, 2 bathrooms and furniture kitchen with a big table.the room is not provided of blanket and pillow for bed I can provide you of 4 bedsheets +2 pillowcase + 2 blankets, the price will be 40 when you'll leave and you'll return everything clean and not ruined, I'll give you back 10 RENTAL AND FINANCIAL CONDITION:The day of your arrival I'll give you the keys of the flat, we will take photos of the room and common part of the flat and you will give to me by cash:- the second monthly rent and 2 months of deposit?guaranty in cash (utilities included);- 75 euro for contract registration (tax and legal consultant service);- 90 euro of utilities for the first month;- Deposit of 30 euro for the house and room keys (it will be reimbursed together with the deposit)Please make sure to have everything for the day of check-in. I can give to you the room and the keys only if you pay all the amount cash.N.B. higher consumption of utilities will be paid every two months and detracted from the deposit.The payment of the rent is two-monthly, every second day of the month. For those who pay late, the days of delay will be calculated and the deposit will be reimbursed for bank transfer with 15 days + number of days of delay.The deposit will be paid back to you at the end of your stay only by bank transfer if the room will be returned clean. The deposit will be given back to you only by bank transfer.DISCOUNT (if interested, please ask for it before the booking):A) if you will pay all the amount of the rent in advance (by two days from the check-in date), you can have a discount of the 5% on the total contract value (monthly rent to be considered is utilities excluded) and just only one month of deposit is needed.B) If you rent the room for 9 or 10 months you can have a discount of 10% (monthly rent to be considered is utilities excluded). The discount is applicable and reimburses on the last month rent.After the booking, I will send you a copy of the contract through email.Then the original copy will be signed on the day of arrival.I will kindly ask you to send me a copy of passport, local country address, and the letter of invitation of University of Pisa.For short period (1month to 3 months) we can discuss to reduce the deposit.Its not allowed to smoke and take drugs in the flat. If that situations occurs, I will immediately inform the Police and the tenant will be immediately removed from the house and he will lose rents and deposit.USEFUL INFO FOR YOUR STAY:The room and the common parts must be returned to the date of departure perfectly clean. Otherwise, the room cleaning cost is 50 per room;cleaning common parts (kitchen and corridor) 80 euro;cleaning each bathroom 50 or for each bathroom.If you left bottles /cartons/rubbish or other stuff are abandoned in the room, it will be detracted 70 euro from the deposit.Please note that the cost of disposing of organic waste is borne by the tenants, who must inform theMunicipality of Pisa / Sepi on the date of their arrival and collect the magnetic card for disposal.WHAT HAPPENED IF THE TENANT WANTS TO TERMINATE THE RENTAL CONTRACT BEFORE THAN AGREED?1) If you have booked the room for 6 to 9 month, you have to notify me 3 months in advance of your desired check-out date and find a new tenant for your free spot, otherwise, you would lose the 2-monthly rent deposit.2) if you have booked for 1 to 5 months, you have to notify me 2 months in advance your desired check-out date and find a new tenant for your free spot, otherwise, you would lose the 2-monthly rent deposit.In all cases of early termination, the tenants have to inform the landlord with a written letter 2 or 3 months before, according to the length of the contract. After this, the landlord will officially communicate the early termination of the contract to "Agenzia delle Entrate".This costs around 80 euro and it's on tenant expenses.MONTHLY CONTRACT: You will pay rent for each calendar month of your booking, including the month you move in and the month you move out.Example: if you want to book the room from 7 September until 19 of January, you would pay the full monthly rent of September, October, November, December and January.HELPING FOREIGN STUDENTS- the regulations of the Municipality of Pisa and the condominium, it is not possible to make any noise from 23 p.m. at 8 a.m. So it is not possible to make music and parties from 23 p.m. at 8 a.m. otherwise the police arrives and will give fines.- in order to register the contract, you need to go to the office Ufficio delle Entrate in order to have the Codice Fiscale, which is a code number just to identify you.The office in the center, its totally free. Generally the viewings of the room is not provided.If you need the Visa and you have booked the room through the platform:In case of no Visa acceptance by the embassy, i will refund requests within thirty days before the day of arrival. After 30 days from the booking confirmation, the refund of the first monthly rent will not be possible anymore.Generally the viewings of the room is not provided.Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore, exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible before the booking. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message, and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
ALIAS 6F,Utility Costs:Due to constant increases in energy costs, the property reserves the right to adjust utility prices with prior notice.Single Room Rent:320 per month! Please take into consideration an additional 110 flat fee for utilities, covering cold and hot water, electricity, gas, heating, internet, and condominium fees. This is payable at the moment of your arrival. INITIAL PAYMENT : On arrival, cash payment includes the second monthly rent, a 2-month deposit (including utilities), 75 contract registration fee, and a 30 key deposit (refundable).If you wish to enjoy your experience in Pisa, living in a building with Italian and international students, choose one of the rooms (check the code below the description: the number corresponds to the flat, the letter to the room). I'm Giovanni, an engineer hosting international students for many years.Room Details:Spacious and bright room located in an exquisite Pisan Palace, right in the historical center on the third floor. The entire apartment is furnished with antique furniture. In the building, there are 4 flats rented to international students and young professional workers. The flat has 6 single rooms, 2 bathrooms, and a furnished kitchen with a big table. The monthly rent includes all utilities: condominium fees, gas, water, electricity, and Internet.Please note that the room does not come with a blanket and pillow. I can provide you with 4 bedsheets, 2 pillowcases, and 2 blankets for 40. If returned clean and undamaged, I'll refund you 10.Rental and Financial Condition:On the day of your arrival, I'll give you the keys of the flat, we will take photos of the room and common parts of the flat, and you will give me in cash:The second monthly rent and 2 months of deposit/guaranty in cash (utilities included).75 for contract registration (tax and legal consultant service).90 for utilities for the first month.Deposit of 30 for the house and room keys (it will be reimbursed together with the deposit). Please make sure to have everything for the day of check-in. I can give you the room and the keys only if you pay all the amount cash.Additional Information:Higher consumption of utilities will be paid every two months and deducted from the deposit.Rent is paid bi-monthly, every second day of the month. For late payments, the days of delay will be calculated, and the deposit will be reimbursed via bank transfer after 15 days plus the number of days delayed.The deposit will be refunded only by bank transfer at the end of your stay if the room is returned clean.Smoking and drug use are not allowed. Violation leads to immediate police notification, resulting in the loss of rent and deposit.Discounts:A) Pay all the amount of the rent in advance (within two days from the check-in date) for a 5% discount on the total contract value (monthly rent excluding utilities). Only one month of the deposit is needed.B) If you rent the room for 9 or 10 months, you can have a discount of 10% (monthly rent excluding utilities). The discount is applicable and reimbursed on the last month's rent.Early Termination:Notify three months in advance for a 6 to 9-month booking; two months for a 1 to 5-month booking. Find a new tenant for the free spot; otherwise, you risk losing the 2-month rent deposit.Monthly Contract:Rent is paid for each calendar month of the booking, including the move-in and move-out months.Helping Foreign Students:Noise regulations: Quiet hours from 23:00 to 08:00. No music or parties during these hours to avoid fines.Codice Fiscale: Necessary for contract registration.Viewings: Generally not provided.Visa refunds possible within thirty days before arrival if denied by the embassy. No refund after 30 days from booking confirmation.Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore, exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible before the booking. To reserve, send a booking request or message, mentioning your age and occupation.I'm looking forward to meeting you!Giovanni, Engineer and Host of International Students in Pisa.\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
ALIAS 8BUTILITY COSTS:Due to constant increases in energy costs, the property reserves the right to adjust utility prices based on market conditions.SINGLE ROOM RENT:Monthly Rent: 280Additional utility fee: 110, covering cold and hot water, electricity, gas, heating, internet, and condominium fees. This amount is due upon arrival.APARTMENT:Spacious and bright room in an exquisite Pisan Palace in the historical centerAntique furnishingsShared apartment with 4 single rooms, a furnished kitchen/living room with a big table, and one bathroomMonthly rent includes all utilities: condominium fees, gas, water, electricity, and internetRENTAL AND FINANCIAL CONDITIONS:Upon arrival, you will receive the keys, and we will document the room and common areas. Payment in cash is required for:The second monthly rent and a 2-month deposit (utilities included)75 for contract registration (tax and legal consultant service)90 for utilities for the first month30 deposit for house and room keys (reimbursed together with the deposit)Ensure you have the full amount on the day of check-in. Rooms and keys are provided only upon full cash payment.Higher utility consumption will be billed every two months and deducted from the deposit. Rent is payable every two months on the second day of the month. Late payments will result in a calculated deposit reimbursement via bank transfer after 15 days plus the number of days delayed.The deposit is refunded at the end of your stay via bank transfer if the room is returned clean. Discounts are available for:A) Full rent payment in advance (5% discount, excluding utilities) with only one month's deposit.B) Renting for 9 or 10 months (10% discount, excluding utilities), applicable and reimbursed in the last month's rent.After booking, a contract copy will be sent via email. The original is signed on arrival. Provide a copy of your passport, local address, and the University of Pisa invitation. Short-term stays (1-3 months) may discuss deposit reduction.Smoking and drug use are prohibited. Police will be informed, resulting in eviction with loss of rent and deposit.USEFUL INFORMATION:Rooms and common areas must be returned clean. Cleaning costs are 50 per room, 80 for common areas, and 50 per bathroom.A 70 deduction from the deposit applies if bottles, cartons, or rubbish are left in the room. Tenants must inform the Municipality of Pisa/Sepi of organic waste disposal.TERMINATING THE CONTRACT:For 6-9 month bookings, notify 3 months in advance or lose the 2-monthly rent deposit.For 1-5 month bookings, notify 2 months in advance or lose the 2-monthly rent deposit.Early termination costs around 80 paid by the tenant. Monthly rent includes the month of move-in and move-out.HELPING FOREIGN STUDENTS:No noise from 23:00 to 8:00; police fines apply.Register the contract at the "Ufficio delle Entrate" for the "Codice Fiscale," free in the center. Generally, room viewings are not provided.Refund possible for visa rejection up to 30 days after booking confirmation. After 30 days, no refund for the first monthly rent.Room use is limited to the subscriber; hosting guests requires written authorization and payment of applicable fees and taxes.Please note, on HousingAnywhere, contact details and viewings are arranged post-booking. To reserve, send a booking request or message, mentioning your age and occupation. Looking forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
Single Room in Pisa - Historic CenterUTILITY COSTS: The property reserves the right to adjust utility costs based on market conditions.SINGLE ROOM RENT with a double bed - 320 per month! Please consider a 110 utility flat fee (water, electricity, gas, heating, internet, condominium) payable upon arrival.Located in a charming Pisan Palace in the historic center, the entire apartment is furnished with antique pieces. There are 4 single rooms for rent, exclusively for females.The room doesn't include blankets and pillows, but I can provide 4 bedsheets, 2 pillowcases, and 2 blankets for 40 (refundable if returned clean).RENTAL AND PAYMENT CONDITIONS:Upon arrival, keys will be handed over, photos of the room and common areas will be taken, and the following cash payments will be required:Second monthly rent and 2 months' deposit (utilities included).75 for contract registration (legal service).90 for utilities for the first month.30 deposit for keys (refundable). Make sure to have everything ready at check-in.Fixed Utilities: 110 per month.Any excess utility consumption will be deducted from the deposit every two months. Rent is bi-monthly, due by the second day of the month. For late payments, deductions will be made from the deposit, with a transfer refund within 15 days + days of delay. The deposit will be refunded by bank transfer if the room is returned clean.DISCOUNTS (please inquire before booking):A) 5% discount on the total contract value (excluding utilities) for full rent payment in advance (within two days of check-in), requiring only one month of deposit.B) 10% discount for renting the room for 9 or 10 months, applicable and reimbursed on the last month's rent.After booking, a contract copy will be emailed, and the original signed on arrival. Provide a copy of the passport, local address, and University of Pisa invitation. For short stays (1 to 3 months), deposit reduction can be discussed.RULES:No smoking or drugs. Violations will result in immediate police involvement and loss of rent and deposit.HELPFUL INFO:Rooms and common areas must be returned clean. Cleaning fees apply if not. Tenants are responsible for waste disposal.TERMINATION POLICY:Early termination requires 2 to 3 months' notice and finding a replacement tenant. Costs around 80 at the tenant's expense.MONTHLY CONTRACT: Rent is paid for each calendar month, including move-in and move-out months.HELPING FOREIGN STUDENTS:Noise regulations: Quiet hours from 23:00 to 08:00. Codice Fiscale required for contract registration. No viewings due to platform policies.For Visa-related issues, refunds are possible within 30 days before arrival. After 30 days from booking confirmation, no refund for the first month's rent.NOTE: The room is for the subscriber only. Hosting guests requires written authorization, and a fee may apply for extended stays.Please note that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. To reserve, send a booking request or a message, mentioning your age and occupation. Looking forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
ALIAS 6E (No Windows),Utility Costs:Due to constant increases in energy costs, the property reserves the right to adjust utility prices with prior notice.Single Room Rent:250 per month! Please take into consideration an additional 110 flat fee for utilities, covering cold and hot water, electricity, gas, heating, internet, and condominium fees. This is payable at the moment of your arrival. INITIAL PAYMENT : On arrival, cash payment includes the second monthly rent, a 2-month deposit (including utilities), 75 contract registration fee, and a 30 key deposit (refundable).If you wish to enjoy your experience in Pisa, living in a building with Italian and international students, choose one of the rooms (check the code below the description: the number corresponds to the flat, the letter to the room). I'm Giovanni, an engineer hosting international students for many years.Room Details:Spacious and bright room without a window but with an aerator located in an exquisite Pisan Palace, right in the historical center on the third floor. The entire apartment is furnished with antique furniture. In the building, there are 4 flats rented to international students and young professional workers. The flat has 6 single rooms, 2 bathrooms, and a furnished kitchen with a big table. The monthly rent includes all utilities: condominium fees, gas, water, electricity, and Internet.Please note that the room does not come with a blanket and pillow. I can provide you with 4 bedsheets, 2 pillowcases, and 2 blankets for 40. If returned clean and undamaged, I'll refund you 10.Additional Information:Higher utility consumption billed every two months and deducted from the deposit.Rent is paid bi-monthly, every second day of the month. For late payments, the days of delay will be calculated, and the deposit will be reimbursed via bank transfer after 15 days plus the number of days delayed.Deposit will be refunded only by bank transfer at the end of your stay if the room is returned clean.Smoking and drug use are not allowed. Violation leads to immediate police notification, resulting in the loss of rent and deposit.Discounts:A) Pay all the amount of the rent in advance (within two days from the check-in date) for a 5% discount on the total contract value (monthly rent excluding utilities). Only one month of the deposit is needed.B) If you rent the room for 9 or 10 months, you can have a discount of 10% (monthly rent excluding utilities). The discount is applicable and reimbursed on the last month's rent.Early Termination:Notify three months in advance for a 6 to 9-month booking; two months for a 1 to 5-month booking. Find a new tenant for the free spot; otherwise, you risk losing the 2-month rent deposit.Monthly Contract:Rent is paid for each calendar month of the booking, including the move-in and move-out months.Helping Foreign Students:Noise regulations: Quiet hours from 23:00 to 08:00. No music or parties during these hours to avoid fines.Codice Fiscale: Necessary for contract registration.Viewings: Generally not provided.Visa refunds possible within thirty days before arrival if denied by the embassy. No refund after 30 days from booking confirmation.Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible before booking. To reserve, send a booking request or message, mentioning your age and occupation.I'm looking forward to meeting you!Giovanni, Engineer and Host of International Students in Pisa.\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
ALIAS 6D,Utility Costs:Due to constant increases in energy costs, the property reserves the right to adjust utility prices with prior notice.Single Room Rent:320 per month! Please take into consideration an additional 110 flat fee for utilities, covering cold and hot water, electricity, gas, heating, internet, and condominium fees. This is payable at the moment of your arrival. INITIAL PAYMENT : On arrival, cash payment includes the second monthly rent, a 2-month deposit (including utilities), 75 contract registration fee, and a 30 key deposit (refundable).If you wish to enjoy your experience in Pisa, living in a building with Italian and international students, choose one of the rooms (check the code below the description: the number corresponds to the flat, the letter to the room). I'm Giovanni, an engineer hosting international students for many years.Room Details:Spacious and bright room located in an exquisite Pisan Palace, right in the historical center on the third floor. The entire apartment is furnished with antique furniture. In the building, there are 4 flats rented to international students and young professional workers. The flat has 6 single rooms, 2 bathrooms, and a furnished kitchen with a big table. The monthly rent includes all utilities: condominium fees, gas, water, electricity, and Internet.Please note that the room does not come with a blanket and pillow. I can provide you with 4 bedsheets, 2 pillowcases, and 2 blankets for 40. If returned clean and undamaged, I'll refund you 10.Additional Information:Higher utility consumption billed every two months and deducted from the deposit.Rent is paid bi-monthly, every second day of the month. For late payments, the days of delay will be calculated, and the deposit will be reimbursed via bank transfer after 15 days plus the number of days delayed.Deposit will be refunded only by bank transfer at the end of your stay if the room is returned clean.Smoking and drug use are not allowed. Violation leads to immediate police notification, resulting in the loss of rent and deposit.Discounts:A) Pay all the rent in advance (within two days from the check-in date) for a 5% discount on the total contract value (monthly rent excluding utilities). Only one month of the deposit is needed.B) Rent the room for 9 or 10 months for a 10% discount (monthly rent excluding utilities). The discount is applicable and reimbursed on the last month's rent.Early Termination:Notify three months in advance for a 6 to 9-month booking; two months for a 1 to 5-month booking. Find a new tenant for the free spot; otherwise, you risk losing the 2-month rent deposit.Monthly Contract:Rent is paid for each calendar month of the booking, including the move-in and move-out months.Helping Foreign Students:Noise regulations: Quiet hours from 23:00 to 08:00. No music or parties during these hours to avoid fines.Codice Fiscale: Necessary for contract registration.Viewings: Generally not provided.Visa refunds possible within thirty days before arrival if denied by the embassy. No refund after 30 days from booking confirmation.Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible before booking. To reserve, send a booking request or message, mentioning your age and occupation.I'm looking forward to meeting you!Giovanni, Engineer and Host of International Students in Pisa.\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano