stanza singola viale francesco petrarca 38 Stanze in affitto a Bologna

Trovati: 77 annunci in vendita nella categoria Stanze in affitto a Bologna
Stanza singola via ernesto masi 38, bologna

Stanza singola via ernesto masi 38, bologna

€ 475,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

**Stai cercando un nuovo posto dove vivere?** Non perdere l'occasione di subentrare in un'ampia camera singola situata in Via Ernesto Masi, a pochi passi dal centro e dall'Ospedale Sant'Orsola! **L'appartamento**, situato al terzo piano con ascensore, è perfetto per chi ama la comodità e la vivacità della vita urbana. È composto da un ingresso accogliente, quattro camere spaziose, un bagno finestrato con doccia, una cucina attrezzata e un balcone dove potrai rilassarti dopo una lunga giornata. Condividerai questo fantastico spazio con una ragazza e due ragazzi, tutti giovani lavoratori, rendendo l'ambiente non solo piacevole ma anche dinamico e stimolante. È l’ideale per socializzare e fare nuove amicizie! **Il prezzo richiesto include il condominio**, mentre le utenze verranno divise tra gli abitanti della casa, garantendoti così una gestione semplice e trasparente delle spese. Un deposito cauzionale pari a una mensilità è richiesto, insieme alla commissione per l'agenzia. **L’appartamento è libero e pronto per te!** Non lasciarti scappare questa occasione unica: contattaci subito per maggiori informazioni e prenota una visita. Ti aspettiamo!

Stanza singola via ernesto masi 38, bologna

Stanza singola via ernesto masi 38, bologna

€ 450,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Stai cercando una stanza singola in una posizione strategica a Bologna? Questa è l'opportunità perfetta per te! Situata in un affascinante palazzo degli anni '30, al terzo piano con ascensore, questa stanza è comoda sia per il Sant'Orsola che per il centro storico. L'appartamento è condiviso con due ragazze e un ragazzo lavoratori, creando un'atmosfera amichevole e dinamica. La casa dispone di quattro camere, un bagno, una piccola cucina attrezzata con balcone.Il riscaldamento e' autonomo. praticità. Le bollette sono da dividere con gli altri inquilini, mentre il deposito cauzionale richiesto è di un solo mese. In caso di recesso anticipato, sono previsti tre mesi di preavviso. La stanza è ideale per un lavoratore o lavoratrice referenziato/a, specializzando o dottorando. Non sono ammessi animali e non è permesso fumare. Se cerchi un ambiente accogliente e ben collegato, questa è la soluzione che fa per te!

Stanza singola via francesco baracca, bologna

Stanza singola via francesco baracca, bologna

€ 650,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 4 giorni fa

Very Large Apartment Sunny Bedroom Convenient for both students and working professionals! This large apartment offers you a comfy bedroom with a perfect price. All the necessary types of equipment are available. Here, you will feel home The offred bedroom is equipped with a bed and a closet. You will be sharing the kitchen, the bathroom, and the dining room with 3 other tenants. The dining room is connected to the kitchen. All the necessary amenities are available to prepare tasty meals. The bathroom has a bathtub and a washing machine. Enjoy your relaxing time here Enjoy Bologna! This property is located in a nice neighborhood in the city center. Nearby too:Supermarkets: Lidi, Mercatopoli Bologna Porto, banks, varieties of restaurants and barsPark: Parco VelodromoPublic transportation: Buses: 13,19,81,83,86, and others Deposit is requested either at check-in in cash or 3 WORKING days before the move-in date. In the letter case, in order to keep your reservation and not loose the first month rent, you will need to show the advertiser a receipt of the bank transfer within 3 working days from the move-in date.we request 235 of administration but this expense could undergo variations of 30/40 euros, due to government increasesAfter completing the booking, the tenant will sign a contract that legally outlines the rights and obligations of both parties. This contract, specifically drafted for the booked accommodation, will be the sole legally binding document to be referred to in case of any disputes.\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola via francesco todaro 4, bologna

Stanza singola via francesco todaro 4, bologna

€ 1.100,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

si affitta dal 01.03.2025 camera singola- adibita attualmente a doppia - completamente arredata e dotata anche di biancheria basica. l appartamento è composto da ingresso su ampio soggiorno comune , cucinotto a vista balcone ingresso notte dove è stato ricavato un piccolo salottino/zona relax , due camere - di cui una già affittata- e bagno. Nessuna propblematica per studenti stranieri . IL PREZZO INDICATO COMPRENDE TUTTE LE SPESE ITNERNE DELL APAPRTAMENTO QUINDI LUCE, RISCALDAMENTO GAS DA CUCINA ACQUA TASSA RIFIUTI SPESE CONDOMINIALI INTERNET E DOMESTICA DUE VOLTE AL MESE PER LE PARTI COMUNI QUINDI CUCINA, SOGGIORNO BAGNO E DISIMPEGNI. VOLENDO PUO DIVENTARE UNA DOPPIA

Stanza singola via giovanni francesco barbieri, bologna

Stanza singola via giovanni francesco barbieri, bologna

€ 400,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Disponibile da subito una stanza singola in grande appartamento di 80 mq.Sita al piano SECONDO di una piccola palazzina nelle vicinanze della stazione centrale di Bologna.Canone d'affitto 400 euro.RIF. 360TROVA AFFITTO non è un'agenzia immobiliare e non svolge attività di mediazione. E' un inserzionista che offre un servizio informativo di accesso ad una banca dati, contenente offerte di immobili di proprietari privati reperibili gratuitamente anche su altri portali. Non ci sono costi di mediazione ma un'unica quota per usufruire del servizio.

Stanza singola via francesco zanardi 405, bologna

Stanza singola via francesco zanardi 405, bologna

€ 400,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 4 giorni fa

Via Zanardi - Ideale per studente / studentessa oppure giovane lavoratore/lavoratrice.In posizione tranquilla e servita, affittasi ampia camera singola situata in un bell'appartamento sito al 2° ed ultimo piano con ascensore, composto da cucina abitabile, 3 camere, doppi servizi, balcone e cantina.L'appartamento è arredato ed in ottime condizioni, luminoso e silenzioso. La camera è disponibile da Maggio ma potrebbe liberarsi anche da subito. Le altre due camere sono abitate da due ragazze studentesse. Si entra in un contratto di affitto già in corso, tramite una pratica di subentro.Il canone di locazione per la camera è di € 400,00 mensili più le spese a parte.I nostri contatti:Telefono: 051/6147999- rispondiamo dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 09.00 alle 13.00, e dalle 15.00 alle 19.00Cellulare (solo SMS oppure Whatsapp): 338/8298921Email: ini.immobiliare@

Stanza singola via francesco todaro 4, bologna

Stanza singola via francesco todaro 4, bologna

€ 600,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 4 giorni fa

Via Todaro in appartamento condiviso con studenti maschi presenti nell altra stanza affittiamo camera singola ad uso volendo anche di doppia . Preferiamo studenti erasmus l appartamento è composto da un ampio soggiorno con angolo cottura, un ulteriore spazio relax in comune, due camere e il bagno. adatto per studenti erasmus ma anche per lavoratori accettiamo persone pulite e rispettose degli spazi altrui . il costo è inclusivo di tutte le spese della camera e quindi sono incluse le spese di riscaldamento, pulizia dell appartamento, energia elettrica, acqua , internet e tassa rifiuti.

Stanza singola piazza san francesco d'assisi 9a, bologna

Stanza singola piazza san francesco d'assisi 9a, bologna

€ 730,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 4 giorni fa

Piazza San Francesco 10 - In uno dei contesti più affascinanti e comodi della città, proponiamo in locazione spaziosa camera di circa 16 mq all'interno di un ampio appartamento.Situato in pieno centro, l'immobile offre tutti i servizi a pochi passi ed è ideale per chi desidera vivere in zona centrale, suggestiva e dinamica.L'appartamento si trova al secondo piano di un elegante edificio, servito da ascensore , ampio e ben organizzato dispone di un ingresso , una cucina spaziosa con comodo ripostiglio, tre bagni e cinque camere, tutte destinate alla locazione, garantendo un ambiente condiviso tra inquilini, l'immobile è infatti pensato per offrire il massimo del confort e della praticità, con spazi ben distribuiti.

Stanza singola via del borgo di san pietro 38, bologna

Stanza singola via del borgo di san pietro 38, bologna

€ 450,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 3 giorni fa

AGENTE DI RIFERIMENTO STENO ENRICO 3895431641Disponibile dal primo di aprile camera da letto singola per studente o lavoratore. L'appartamento si trova al piano primo di un interno di via del borgo di san pietro parte storica (prima di via Irnerio), composto da un ampio ingresso, tre camere da letto (due occupate da uno studente e da un lavoratore), soggiorno con balcone, cucinotto e bagno. L'appartamento è in buono stato d'uso, la camera in questione è dotata di letto alla francese, scrivania, armadio e un piccolo divano letto.Viene richiesto un deposito cauzionale di €450, garanzie reddituali.Canone di €450 più €50 di spese condominiali.Per info e visite Steno Enrico 3895431641Chi siamoCasaBÔ è nata dall’unione di professionisti con esperienze ventennali nel settore immobiliare ed è diventata un punto di riferimento nello scenario del Real Estate bolognese. Specializzata nella compravendita e nella gestione immobiliare, CasaBÔ riesce a soddisfare le richieste di una clientela esigente grazie alla passione e all’attenzione del suo staff e a un approccio di tipo sartoriale.Gestiamo con riservatezza e professionalità la vendita e la locazione di ogni tipo di immobile a Bologna e provincia. Ci prendiamo cura del cliente dal conferimento dell’incarico alle firme sui contratti, potendo contare su un team di agenti immobiliari altamente qualificati uniti da una mission comune: “Serietà, competenze e impegno massimi per il raggiungimento di obiettivi d’eccellenza”.Scopri le nostre referenzeLa storiaCasaBÔ nasce nel 2014 come punto d’incontro delle esperienze dei soci fondatori, professionisti dell’immobiliare attivi dal 2002, decisi a proporre un servizio diverso, più moderno e più personalizzato.In poco tempo CasaBÔ è divenuta un riferimento per l’intermediazione immobiliare, grazie a uno staff altamente specializzato che oggi conta due tecnici, sei agenti immobiliari, un avvocato e un notaio consulente.Vuoi far parte del nostro team?Le attività e il network di CasaBÔ sono in costante espansione. Se il tuo desiderio è crescere professionalmente nel settore immobiliare, CasaBÔ ti offre un contesto dinamico perfetto per acquisire ogni giorno nuove competenze e una rete di fornitori, partner e clienti nella quale poter esprimere tutto il tuo potenziale.Chi siamoCasaBÔ è nata dall’unione di professionisti con esperienze ventennali nel settore immobiliare ed è diventata un punto di riferimento nello scenario del Real Estate bolognese. Specializzata nella compravendita e nella gestione immobiliare, CasaBÔ riesce a soddisfare le richieste di una clientela esigente grazie alla passione e all’attenzione del suo staff e a un approccio di tipo sartoriale.Gestiamo con riservatezza e professionalità la vendita e la locazione di ogni tipo di immobile a Bologna e provincia. Ci prendiamo cura del cliente dal conferimento dell’incarico alle firme sui contratti, potendo contare su un team di agenti immobiliari altamente qualificati uniti da una mission comune: “Serietà, competenze e impegno massimi per il raggiungimento di obiettivi d’eccellenza”.Scopri le nostre referenzeLa storiaCasaBÔ nasce nel 2014 come punto d’incontro delle esperienze dei soci fondatori, professionisti dell’immobiliare attivi dal 2002, decisi a proporre un servizio diverso, più moderno e più personalizzato.In poco tempo CasaBÔ è divenuta un riferimento per l’intermediazione immobiliare, grazie a uno staff altamente specializzato che oggi conta due tecnici, sei agenti immobiliari, un avvocato e un notaio consulente.Vuoi far parte del nostro team?Le attività e il network di CasaBÔ sono in costante espansione. Se il tuo desiderio è crescere professionalmente nel settore immobiliare, CasaBÔ ti offre un contesto dinamico perfetto per acquisire ogni giorno nuove competenze e una rete di fornitori, partner e clienti nella quale poter esprimere tutto il tuo potenziale.Chi siamoCasaBÔ è nata dall’unione di professionisti con esperienze ventennali nel settore immobiliare ed è diventata un punto di riferimento nello scenario del Real Estate bolognese. Specializzata nella compravendita e nella gestione immobiliare, CasaBÔ riesce a soddisfare le richieste di una clientela esigente grazie alla passione e all’attenzione del suo staff e a un approccio di tipo sartoriale.Gestiamo con riservatezza e professionalità la vendita e la locazione di ogni tipo di immobile a Bologna e provincia. Ci prendiamo cura del cliente dal conferimento dell’incarico alle firme sui contratti, potendo contare su un team di agenti immobiliari altamente qualificati uniti da una mission comune: “Serietà, competenze e impegno massimi per il raggiungimento di obiettivi d’eccellenza”.Scopri le nostre referenzeLa storiaCasaBÔ nasce nel 2014 come punto d’incontro delle esperienze dei soci fondatori, professionisti dell’

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 790,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 20 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 104.21 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:1: 22, Female, Student2: 36, Male, Worker3: 24, Male, Student4: 21, Female, Student5: 22, Female, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 750,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 14 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 76.70 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:2: 25, Male, Student3: 20, Male, Student4: 30, Male, Student5: 22, Male, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 750,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 14 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: E, IPE 148.67 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:1: 21, Female, Student3: 23, Female, Student4: 24, Female, Student5: 22, Male, Student7: 21, Female, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 770,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 16 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 104.21 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:1: 32, Female, Worker3: 21, Male, Student4: 19, Male, Student5: 25, Male, Student6: 24, Male, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 770,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 15 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 76.11 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:2: 21, Female, Student4: 19, Female, Student5: 19, Female, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 830,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 22 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 76.11 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:2: 21, Female, Student4: 19, Female, Student5: 19, Female, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 810,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 20 sqm with a double bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 101.21 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:1: 19, Male, Student2: 20, Male, Student3: 24, Male, Worker4: 28, Male, Student5: 22, Female, Student6: 19, Male, WorkerPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 790,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 20 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 101.21 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:2: 20, Female, Student3: 21, Male, Student4: 38, Male, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 780,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 15 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 76.70 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:2: 24, Male, Student3: 19, Male, Student4: 29, Male, Student5: 21, Male, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 800,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 16 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: E, IPE 148.67 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:4: 23, Female, Student7: 21, Female, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 760,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 14 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 101.21 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:2: 20, Female, Student3: 21, Male, Student4: 38, Male, Student7: 21, Male, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 750,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 13 sqm with a single bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 104.21 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:1: 21, Female, Student2: 35, Male, Worker4: 20, Female, Student6: 25, Male, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 875,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 21 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: E, IPE 113.02 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:3: 19, Female, Student4: -1, Female, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 855,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 20 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: E, IPE 148.67 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:3: 22, Female, Student4: 23, Female, Student7: 21, Female, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 830,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 22 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 76.05 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:1: 22, Female, Student2: 25, Female, Student3: 20, Male, Student5: 30, Male, Student6: 20, Male, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 780,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 14 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: E, IPE 148.67 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:3: 22, Female, Student4: 23, Female, Student5: 21, Male, Student7: 21, Female, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 770,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 14 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 76.70 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:2: 24, Male, Student3: 19, Male, Student4: 29, Male, Student5: 21, Male, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 780,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 16 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 76.05 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:1: 22, Female, Student2: 25, Female, Student5: 30, Male, Student6: 20, Male, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 760,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 15 sqm with a single bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 101.21 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:2: 20, Female, Student3: 21, Male, Student4: 38, Male, Student5: 24, Male, Student7: 21, Male, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 780,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 18 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: F, IPE 235.90 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:1: 18, Male, Student2: 25, Male, Student4: 26, Female, Student5: 22, Female, Student6: 25, Male, Student7: 30, Male, WorkerPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 750,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 13 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: D, IPE 101.21 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:2: 20, Female, Student3: 21, Male, Student4: 38, Male, Student5: 24, Male, Student7: 21, Male, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

Stanza singola viale giovanni vicini, bologna

€ 770,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 16 sqm with a one and a half bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: E, IPE 123.29 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:1: 25, Male, Student2: 27, Female, Student3: 24, Male, Student4: 19, Female, Student5: 23, Male, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Stanza singola viale alfredo oriani, bologna

Stanza singola viale alfredo oriani, bologna

€ 705,00
Su Stanze in affitto Bologna 30+ giorni

Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 8 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.Of about 10 sqm with a single bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: F, IPE 195.39 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:1: 23, Female, Student3: 19, Female, Student4: 20, Male, Student5: 21, Female, Student6: 19, Female, Student7: 20, Female, Student8: 20, Female, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Principali categorie a Bologna
Ciao e benvenuto su annunci in italia, il portale leader per l'affitto e la vendita di immobili in Italia. Se stai cercando stanza singola viale francesco petrarca 38 Stanze in affitto, siamo qui per aiutarti. Offriamo una vasta gamma di opzioni immobiliari a Bologna, a prezzi competitivi. Con noi, trovare Stanze in affitto perfetto per le tue esigenze è facile e veloce. Basta utilizzare il nostro motore di ricerca avanzato per filtrare gli annunci in base alla località, al tipo di immobile, al prezzo e alle caratteristiche che desideri. Inoltre, siamo sempre a tua disposizione per fornirti maggiori informazioni e consigli sulla scelta dell'immobile più adatto a te. Non esitare a contattarci per ulteriori dettagli o per fissare un appuntamento per visitare gli immobili che ti interessano. Speriamo di aiutarti a trovare l'immobile dei tuoi sogni presto!

Dopo aver testato questo prodotto nella città di Bologna, abbiamo scoperto che la maggior parte degli utenti cerca Stanze in affitto, specialmente stanza singola viale francesco petrarca 38. Prezzi a partire da 400 €. è il tuo partner affidabile per la ricerca di immobili. Che tu stia cercando una nuova casa in vendita o una stanza in affitto, ti offre una vasta gamma di opzioni immobiliari. Esplora le nostre offerte e trova la tua nuova casa su