posto auto - moto via guglielmo marconi 49 Immobiliari a Bologna

Trovati: 374 annunci in vendita nella categoria Immobiliari a Bologna
Posto auto - moto via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

€ 65,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Affitto posto moto facile accesso anche per moto di grosse dimensioni.

Posto auto - moto via guglielmo marconi, centro storico, bologna

Posto auto - moto via guglielmo marconi, centro storico, bologna

€ 110,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Posto auto con sbarra in zona via Marconi

Posto auto - moto, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto, marconi, bologna

€ 70,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

affittasi posto moto coperto in autorimessa. Euro 70,00 mensili (GA8)

Posto auto - moto, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto, marconi, bologna

€ 29.000,00
Su Box auto in vendita Bologna 21 giorni fa

Via Boldrini ad.ze Porta Galliera: posto auto in garage chiuso, estremamente comodo alla stazione dei treni e delle corriere, al secondo piano interrato protetto da cancelli automatici. (APE esente)Quanto vale il tuo immobile? Utilizza il valutatore automatico alla pagina e se vuoi una stima più puntuale non esitare a contattarci allo 0514399031 Hai un immobile da vendere o affittare? Se ce lo affidi ti regaliamo l’Attestato di Prestazione Energetica:

Posto auto - moto via milazzo 5, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via milazzo 5, marconi, bologna

€ 380,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 21 giorni fa

PRIVATO AFFITTA A 3 MINUTI A PIEDI DALLA STAZIONE E DA VIA INDIPENDENZA, NO ZTL, POSTO AUTO LIBERO DI 13 MQ. CAT. C/6 DI PROPRIETA' per auto di tutte le dimensioni. Senza spese condominiali. Cancello elettrico con telecomando. Facilità di manovra. Contratto di locazione regolare.

Posto auto - moto via avesella 7, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via avesella 7, marconi, bologna

€ 30.000,00
Su Box auto in vendita Bologna 21 giorni fa

MARCONI (VIA AVESELLA ad.ze GALLIERA) In posizione centrale vicino a Via Marconi e a Via Galliera proponiamo occasione!!! posto auto all'interno di autorimessa comune al primo piano interrato, con accesso da comodo montauto automatizzato dal piano terra (passaggio pedonale tramite scala interna), buona manovrabilità, spazio di 28 mq. ca. per auto media e volendo moto. Classe N.D. € 30.000,00 MARCONI (VIA AVESELLA ad.ze GALLIERA) In posizione centrale vicino a Via Marconi e a Via Galliera proponiamo occasione!!! posto auto all'interno di autorimessa comune al primo piano interrato, con accesso da comodo montauto automatizzato dal piano terra (passaggio pedonale tramite scala interna), buona manovrabilità, spazio di 28 mq. ca. per auto media e volendo moto. Classe N.D. € 30.000,00

Posto auto - moto via cesare boldrini, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via cesare boldrini, marconi, bologna

€ 35.000,00
Su Box auto in vendita Bologna 21 giorni fa

Posto auto - moto via cesare boldrini, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via cesare boldrini, marconi, bologna

€ 38.000,00
Su Box auto in vendita Bologna 21 giorni fa

CENTRO - STAZIONE Rif 220: In centro, a due passi da Via Indipendenza e dalla Stazione, in via Boldrini, in contesto interno e di comodo accesso, proponiamo 4 posti auto in garage condiviso, con ampio spazio di manovra ed aperture con fotocellula.I posti auto si trovano in un grande garage coperto e condiviso, situato al piano -1, con cancello con apertura automatizzata e con fotocellula per l'uscita perdonale.Misure: larghezza m 2.40; lunghezza m 5,40. Zona collegatissima e comoda al centro nonchè alla stazione e a diversi servizi commerciali della zona.DISPONIBILI da SUBITO!!! OTTIMI ANCHE COME INVESTIMENTO!!!FELSINA REAL ESTATE Ag. San Vitale Via Massarenti 35/a Tel 051.307459 40138 Bologna - Whatsapp 329-3999416 La Geolocalizzazione dell’immobile potrebbe essere approssimativa.

Posto auto - moto via cesare boldrini 1, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via cesare boldrini 1, marconi, bologna

€ 120,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 6 giorni fa

Centro storico - via Boldrini. Posto auto coperto in garage comune, di comodo accesso, per qualsiasi tipo di autovettura, dotato di cancello automatizzato all'ingresso. Fissa un appuntamento per vedere questo immobile e chiama 051.0099679, manda un'email a, oppure contattaci via Whatsapp al numero 349.4672283. Le presenti informazioni non costituiscono elemento contrattuale.

Posto auto - moto via cesare boldrini 1, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via cesare boldrini 1, marconi, bologna

€ 200,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 6 giorni fa

Disponibile dal 1 dicembre 2024, privato affitta posto auto coperto al piano -1 in parcheggio custodito, ingresso e cancello automatizzato con accesso 24 ore da via Boldrini 1, fuori dalla ZTL ma a 1 minuto a piedi dalla stazione e da via Indipendenza. Larghezza 2,50 m e lunghezza 5,15 m. Prezzo mensile 200 euro oltre a 15 euro di spese condominiali e con pagamento anticipato di 4 mensilità.

Posto auto - moto via del porto 38, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via del porto 38, marconi, bologna

€ 30.000,00
Su Box auto in vendita Bologna 3 giorni fa

Abbiamo la soluzione perfetta per te!Un posto auto sicuro e comodo in Via del Porto, a due passi da Via Azzo Gardini e Via Marconi, è finalmente disponibile!Immagina: poter parcheggiare la tua auto in un'area privata e sicura, con doppio cancello elettrico, a pochi minuti a piedi dal cuore pulsante della città.Questo posto auto è l'ideale per:Chi vive o lavora in centro e desidera la comodità di un parcheggio riservato senza lo stress di cercare parcheggio ogni giorno.Chi cerca un investimento sicuro e redditizio: la forte domanda di parcheggi in zona garantisce un'ottima opportunità di rendita.E non è tutto!Pagamenti flessibili: acconto del 40% al preliminare, saldo al rogito entro dicembre..Garantiamo che verrà richiesto regolare preparare al Comune per la realizzazione di una pensilina in legno per proteggere la tua auto dalle intemperie (costo stimato di circa €10.000).Zero problemi burocratici: i posti auto sono rogitati regolarmente accatastati.Disponibili anche posti auto più grandi (da 5m in poi) a partire da 35.000 euro:Posto auto Extra Large N.1 (11mx2,66-3,98) ad € 65.000;Posto auto singolo Fast Enter (N.2, N.5,e N.9 (ca. 5mx2,50) ad € 45.000;Posto auto Easy Enter N.6 ((ca. 5mx2,50) € 40.000);Posto auto Small (ca 4,00x2,50m) € 30.000;Posto auto Jolly N.12 (6mx4m) € 35.000;Posto auto Magnum N.13 (ca(5,50mx2,65) € 49.000Non lasciarti sfuggire questa occasione! I posti auto in centro accrescono il valore del tuo immobile del 15%.Contattaci subito per fissare un appuntamento e assicurarti il tuo posto auto!

Posto auto - moto via del porto 38, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via del porto 38, marconi, bologna

€ 40.000,00
Su Box auto in vendita Bologna Oggi

Sei alla ricerca di un posto auto comodo e sicuro nel cuore della città? Ti proponiamo a 40.000€ un’opportunità imperdibile: un posto auto di generose dimensioni (5m x 2,5m) situato a pochi passi da Via Marconi e Via Lame.Caratteristiche dell'immobile- Dimensioni Ideali: Perfetto per auto di grande dimensioni, ma anche per investimento.- Rendimento Garantito: Già diversi potenziali conduttori in lista di attesa, con un reddito annuale di circa 2000 euro.- Sicurezza: Parcheggio protetto, lontano da furti e atti vandalici.- Accessibilità: Ottima raggiungibilità, con l’aggiunta di un nuovo studentato di 200 camere e un grande bar in fase di realizzazione proprio di fronte al parcheggio (progetto MoloBolo consultabile online).Sono ancora disponibili posti auto con accesso facilitato a partire da 45.000€ o più grandi a partire da 49.000€Non lasciarti sfuggire questa opportunità! Contattaci per maggiori informazioni e per fissare un appuntamento. La tua auto merita il meglio!

Posto auto - moto via cesare boldrini 3, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via cesare boldrini 3, marconi, bologna

€ 80,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Affitto singolo/doppio/triplo posto moto coperto di 16m2 in parcheggio custodito con ingresso e cancello automatizzato in via Boldrini, zona stazione a due passi da via dell'Indipendenza. Larghezza minima 1,35m (ingresso) e larghezza massima 1,70m. Il prezzo mensile per 3 posti moto è pari a 150€, se interessati al doppio si scende a 120€, in caso di posto singolo è 80€.

Posto auto - moto via del rondone 1, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via del rondone 1, marconi, bologna

€ 250,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Cerchi un posto auto coperto e sicuro a Bologna?Affitta ora uno dei nostri posti auto in zona Lame!Offriamo: * Comodità: Accesso carrabile facile e veloce * Sicurezza: Cancelli automatici per la massima protezione * Copertura: Tieni la tua auto al riparo da ogni intemperie * Posizione strategica: Zona Lame, ben servita e vicina al centroNon perdere questa opportunità! RIMASTI SOLO 3 POSTI AUTOContattaci subito per maggiori informazioni e per fissare una visita.Responsabile della locazione Irene Guidetti

Posto auto - moto via cesare boldrini 1, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via cesare boldrini 1, marconi, bologna

€ 30.000,00
Su Box auto in vendita Bologna 21 giorni fa

Posto auto/moto, in contesto condominiale,ingresso con cancello automatico e accesso esclusivo alla Galleria Misure mt 2,30 × 4,65 circaH mt 2,40

Posto auto - moto via del porto 38, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via del porto 38, marconi, bologna

€ 40.000,00
Su Box auto in vendita Bologna 21 giorni fa

In Centro Storico, in Via del Porto lato via Azzo Gardini, a pochi passi da Via Riva di Reno disponiamo di 6 posti auto con ampio spazi di manovra e dimensioni di 5m x 2,5m, ideale per auto di grandi dimensioni. Volendo ci sono anche due posti auto più piccoli (4m x 2,5m) a partire da 30.000 euro ed uno più grande da 7m x 2,70m in promozione a 56.000 euro.Opzione Pensilina: È possibile dotare il posto auto di una pensilina, come da foto nell'annuncio, con un'aggiunta di 7.000/8.000 euro.Prezzo di Vendita: €50.000. Offerta Promozionale fino al 13 Ottobre: €40.000.Ideale anche per investimento grazie alle numerose richieste di affitto con rendita di circa 2000 euro all'annoNon perdere l'occasione di avere un parcheggio sicuro e comodo nel cuore della città! Contattaci per maggiori informazioni o per fissare un appuntamento.

Posto auto - moto via del porto 38, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via del porto 38, marconi, bologna

€ 30.000,00
Su Box auto in vendita Bologna 16 giorni fa

In via del Porto poco distante da via Azzo Gardini e da Via Marconi, all'interno di un'area di parcheggio servita da cancello elettrico, proponiamo in vendita un posto per un auto di medie dimensioni (max 4,10m di lunghezza) con accesso comodo.All'interno della stessa area sono presenti anche posti auto più grandi (da 5m di lunghezza in poi) a partire da 40.000 euro e fino a 70.000 euro per un posto auto doppio. OFFERTA VALIDA FINO AL 13 OTTOBRE: € 32.000 Condizioni di pagamento: Acconto del 40% al preliminare, saldo al rogito a partire da ottobre Extra: Possibilità di aggiungere una pensilina in legno per copertura (MAX €10.000 prezzo da confermare in attesa di preventivo).Perché scegliere questi parcheggi:•Regolarmente accatastati: Nessun problema burocratico•Posizione strategica: Vicino a via Azzo Gardino, in zona servita•Sicurezza: Parco privato con doppio cancello elettricoNon perdere questa occasione! I posti auto sono limitati.Contattaci subito per maggiori informazioni o per fissare un appuntamento.

Posto auto - moto via del porto 38, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto via del porto 38, marconi, bologna

€ 45.000,00
Su Box auto in vendita Bologna 10 giorni fa

A due passi da Via Marconi, in zona centralissima e strategica, vendiamo gli ultimi 4 posti auto di grandi dimensioni (5m x 2,5m) all'interno di un'area di parcheggio privata con doppio cancello elettrico. Facilità di accesso e di manovra. Prezzo: € 45.000 per posto auto.Condizioni di pagamento: Acconto di almeno il 40% al preliminare, saldo al rogito entro il 20 dicembre.Extra: Possibilità di aggiungere una pensilina in legno per copertura (max € 10.000, prezzo da confermare in attesa di preventivo).Disponibile anche: Posto auto per camper o auto di grandi dimensioni (5,50m x 2,80m) ePosto auto doppio (11m x 3m) con possibilità di modificare la lunghezza.Perché scegliere questi parcheggi? - Regolarmente accatastati: Nessun problema burocratico.- Posizione strategica: Vicino a Via Azzo Gardino e Via Marconi.- Sicurezza: Parco privato con doppio cancello elettrico.- Ottimo investimento: Ampia disponibilità di potenziali conduttori.Posti auto limitati! Contattaci subito per maggiori informazioni o per fissare un appuntamento.

Posto auto - moto viale pietro pietramellara 33, marconi, bologna

Posto auto - moto viale pietro pietramellara 33, marconi, bologna

€ 100,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Si affitta posto auto coperto in garage in Viale Pietramellara (Entrata via Boldrini)

Posto auto - moto via guglielmo oberdan 28, centro storico, bologna

Posto auto - moto via guglielmo oberdan 28, centro storico, bologna

€ 195.000,00
Su Box auto in vendita Bologna 21 giorni fa

Ampio posto Auto + scooter in garage privato di 6 posti, al piano interrato con accesso da piattaforma.Pulito e sicuro, basse spese condominiali, massimo 250euro/anno.Accesso da via Bertiera 17DA PRIVATO A PRIVATO grazie! Lunghezza m.4,80 larghezza (nel punto più stretto) 2,70 causa call center si prega di contattare da questo sito

Posto auto - moto viale vladimir ilic ulianov lenin 49, massarenti, bologna

Posto auto - moto viale vladimir ilic ulianov lenin 49, massarenti, bologna

€ 100,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Si affitta 1 posto auto in garage condominiale chiuso con cancello elettrico al piano s2Il posto e e recintato, illuminato e coperto con rete antigrandine.Se interessati c’è anche la possibilità di acquistarlo.

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

€ 1.870,00
Su Case in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Apartment - Via Guglielmo Marconi - BolognaGorgeous and spacious one bedroom apartment for rent in Bologna, renovated and refurbished in February 2011 and located on the 3° floor of a stately building (with elevator) in Bologna historical center, in a strategic position among the station, the Fair area and Piazza Maggiore.Guests have access to a fully equipped kitchen and are provided with bed linens and towels. Upon arrival, our staff will be waiting at the apartment to explain how everything works and to hand over the keys. During your stay, our staff is available to address any requests or concerns.This elegant 65 sqm apartment, completely renovated and fitted with luxury finishes such as parquet flooring, independent heating and air conditioning, opens up onto a foyer with a built-in storage room, where you can put away home products. The foyer leads directly to a spacious day area, furnished with a double sofa bed (160 x 200 cm), a crystal table for 4 people and a TV corner with flat screen TV, DVD player and stereo. The modern and fully equipped open plan kitchen, complete with washing machine, oven and dishwasher, is located on one side of the living area.A corridor leads to a spacious bedroom with two single beds (80 x 200 cm), which can be joined and used as a double bed (160 x 200 cm), two closets, a desk and a comfortable armchair. The bathroom is located next to the entrance door and is fitted with a functional shower stall.Particularly interesting is the lightning system, which has been designed with care and which allows to create the perfect atmosphere in different situations.The rental price includes the initial and the final cleaning, the rent, the condominium expenses, Italian taxes (television and garbage), WiFi internet and bills. For electricity and gas, in particular, we include a forfait of 100 per month. Only if you exceed this forfait, you would have to pay the difference. Area:The apartment is located on Via Marconi, 10 minute walk from Piazza Maggiore and the Torre degli Asinelli, the heart of Bolognas city centre, famous for the crowded streets of the quadrilateral, where you can taste local delicacies, and peruse the elegant shopping streets that wind through Via Farini, Piazza Santo Stefano, and Galleria Cavour.In the immediate vicinity there are the XI Settembre and Cavaticcio parks, where on Saturday the organic market takes place and during the summer there is an impressive schedule of gastronomic and musical events planned.A short walk from the apartment, you will find the Bologna Cineteca and the modern art museum (MamBo). Some of the most interesting restaurants in the city are within walking distance: among these we would like to mention lArcimboldo, È Cucina Leopardi, and Ristorante Tartufo. About 150 meters from the apartment you can find the best stocked supermarket in the center of Bologna.Public transportation:There is a bus stop is just a few meters from the door of the building, along Via Marconi. From here you can quickly reach Piazza Maggiore, the station, or the Fair.Parking:The best option is the nearby Riva Reno parking lot (Via Azzo Gardino 61b), which is located about 300 meters from the building. Monthly pass costs 165. The apartment is located just outside the ZTL area, which starts at the intersection of Via Marconi and Via Riva Reno.Important: guests are required to pay a tourist tax that is not included in the price. 4,60 per person, per night. It is applied only to the first 5 nights.Pets:Pets are allowed ( 20+VAT per night, limited to the first 5 nights).Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

€ 1.860,00
Su Case in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Apartment - Via Guglielmo Marconi Bologna - BolognaModern one bedroom apartment for rent in Bologna with balcony, renovated and refurbished in February 2011 and located on the 2° floor of a stately building (with elevator) in Bologna historical center, in a strategic position among the station, the Fair area and Piazza Maggiore.Guests have access to a fully equipped kitchen and are provided with bed linens and towels. Upon arrival, our staff will be waiting at the apartment to explain how everything works and to hand over the keys. During your stay, our staff is available to address any requests or concerns.This elegant 65 sqm apartment, completely renovated and fitted with luxury finishes such as parquet flooring, independent heating and air conditioning, opens up onto a foyer with a built-in storage room, where you can put away home products.The foyer leads directly to a spacious day area, furnished with a double sofa bed (160 x 200 cm), a crystal table for 4 people and a TV corner with flat screen TV, DVD player and stereo. The modern and fully equipped open plan kitchen, complete with washing machine, oven and dishwasher, is located on one side of the living area. The room leads out onto a balcony overlooking a quiet inner courtyard and allowing to enjoy the sight o Bologna tile roofs.A corridor leads to a spacious bedroom with two single beds (80 x 200 cm), which can be joined and used as a double bed (160 x 200 cm), two closets, a desk and a comfortable armchair. The bathroom is located next to the entrance door and is fitted with a functional shower stall.Particularly interesting id the lightning system, which has been designed with care and which allows to create the perfect atmosphere in different situations.The rental price includes the initial and the final cleaning, the rent, the condominium expenses, Italian taxes (television and garbage), WiFi internet and bills. For electricity and gas, in particular, we include a forfait of 100 per month. Only if you exceed this forfait, you would have to pay the difference. Area:The apartment is located on Via Marconi, 10 minute walk from Piazza Maggiore and the Torre degli Asinelli, the heart of Bolognas city centre, famous for the crowded streets of the quadrilateral, where you can taste local delicacies, and peruse the elegant shopping streets that wind through Via Farini, Piazza Santo Stefano, and Galleria Cavour.In the immediate vicinity there are the XI Settembre and Cavaticcio parks, where on Saturday the organic market takes place and during the summer there is an impressive schedule of gastronomic and musical events planned.A short walk from the apartment, you will find the Bologna Cineteca and the modern art museum (MamBo). Some of the most interesting restaurants in the city are within walking distance: among these we would like to mention lArcimboldo, È Cucina Leopardi, and Ristorante Tartufo. About 150 meters from the apartment you can find the best stocked supermarket in the center of Bologna.Public transportation:There is a bus stop is just a few meters from the door of the building, along Via Marconi. From here you can quickly reach Piazza Maggiore, the station, or the Fair.Parking:The best option is the nearby Riva Reno parking lot (Via Azzo Gardino 61b), which is located about 300 meters from the building. Monthly pass costs 165. The apartment is located just outside the ZTL area, which starts at the intersection of Via Marconi and Via Riva Reno.Important: guests are required to pay a tourist tax that is not included in the price. 4,60 person, per night. It is applied only to the first 5 nights.Pets:Pets are allowed ( 20+VAT per night, limited to the first 5 nights).Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

€ 1.905,00
Su Case in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Apartment - Via Guglielmo Marconi - BolognaModern one bedroom apartment for rent in Bologna with balcony, renovated and refurbished in February 2011 and located on the 5° floor of a stately building (with elevator) in Bologna historical center, in a strategic position among the station, the Fair area and Piazza Maggiore.Guests have access to a fully equipped kitchen and are provided with bed linens and towels. Upon arrival, our staff will be waiting at the apartment to explain how everything works and to hand over the keys. During your stay, our staff is available to address any requests or concerns.This elegant 65 sqm apartment, completely renovated and fitted with luxury finishes such as parquet flooring, independent heating and air conditioning, opens up onto a foyer with a built-in storage room, where you can put away home products.The foyer leads directly to a spacious day area, furnished with a double sofa bed (160 x 200 cm), a crystal table for 4 people and a TV corner with flat screen TV, DVD player and stereo. The modern and fully equipped open plan kitchen, complete with washing machine, oven and dishwasher, is located on one side of the living area. The room leads out onto a balcony overlooking a quiet inner courtyard and allowing to enjoy the sight o Bologna tile roofs.A corridor leads to a spacious bedroom with two single beds (80 x 200 cm), which can be joined and used as a double bed (160 x 200 cm), two closets, a desk and a comfortable armchair. The bathroom is located next to the entrance door and is fitted with a functional shower stall.Particularly interesting id the lightning system, which has been designed with care and which allows to create the perfect atmosphere in different situations.The rental price includes the initial and the final cleaning, the rent, the condominium expenses, Italian taxes (television and garbage), WiFi internet and bills. For electricity and gas, in particular, we include a forfait of 100 per month. Only if you exceed this forfait, you would have to pay the difference. Area:The apartment is located on Via Marconi, 10 minute walk from Piazza Maggiore and the Torre degli Asinelli, the heart of Bolognas city centre, famous for the crowded streets of the quadrilateral, where you can taste local delicacies, and peruse the elegant shopping streets that wind through Via Farini, Piazza Santo Stefano, and Galleria Cavour.In the immediate vicinity there are the XI Settembre and Cavaticcio parks, where on Saturday the organic market takes place and during the summer there is an impressive schedule of gastronomic and musical events planned.A short walk from the apartment, you will find the Bologna Cineteca and the modern art museum (MamBo). Some of the most interesting restaurants in the city are within walking distance: among these we would like to mention lArcimboldo, È Cucina Leopardi, and Ristorante Tartufo. About 150 meters from the apartment you can find the best stocked supermarket in the center of Bologna.Public transportation:There is a bus stop is just a few meters from the door of the building, along Via Marconi. From here you can quickly reach Piazza Maggiore, the station, or the Fair.Parking:The best option is the nearby Riva Reno parking lot (Via Azzo Gardino 61b), which is located about 300 meters from the building. Monthly pass costs 165. The apartment is located just outside the ZTL area, which starts at the intersection of Via Marconi and Via Riva Reno.Important: guests are required to pay a tourist tax that is not included in the price. 4,60 person, per night. It is applied only to the first 5 nights.Pets:Pets are allowed ( 20+VAT per night, limited to the first 5 nights).Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

€ 1.905,00
Su Case in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Apartment - Via Guglielmo Marconi - BolognaGorgeous and spacious one bedroom apartment for rent in Bologna, renovated and refurbished in February 2011 and located on the 4° floor of a stately building (with elevator) in Bologna historical center, in a strategic position among the station, the Fair area and Piazza Maggiore.Guests have access to a fully equipped kitchen and are provided with bed linens and towels. Upon arrival, our staff will be waiting at the apartment to explain how everything works and to hand over the keys. During your stay, our staff is available to address any requests or concerns.This elegant 65 sqm apartment, completely renovated and fitted with luxury finishes such as parquet flooring, independent heating and air conditioning, opens up onto a foyer with a built-in storage room, where you can put away home products. The foyer leads directly to a spacious day area, furnished with a double sofa bed (160 x 200 cm), a crystal table for 4 people and a TV corner with flat screen TV, DVD player and stereo. The modern and fully equipped open plan kitchen, complete with washing machine, oven and dishwasher, is located on one side of the living area.A corridor leads to a spacious bedroom with two single beds (80 x 200 cm), which can be joined and used as a double bed (160 x 200 cm), two closets, a desk and a comfortable armchair. The bathroom is located next to the entrance door and is fitted with a functional shower stall.Particularly interesting is the lightning system, which has been designed with care and which allows to create the perfect atmosphere in different situations.The rental price includes the initial and the final cleaning, the rent, the condominium expenses, Italian taxes (television and garbage), WiFi internet and bills. For electricity and gas, in particular, we include a forfait of 100 per month. Only if you exceed this forfait, you would have to pay the difference. Area:The apartment is located on Via Marconi, 10 minute walk from Piazza Maggiore and the Torre degli Asinelli, the heart of Bolognas city centre, famous for the crowded streets of the quadrilateral, where you can taste local delicacies, and peruse the elegant shopping streets that wind through Via Farini, Piazza Santo Stefano, and Galleria Cavour.In the immediate vicinity there are the XI Settembre and Cavaticcio parks, where on Saturday the organic market takes place and during the summer there is an impressive schedule of gastronomic and musical events planned.A short walk from the apartment, you will find the Bologna Cineteca and the modern art museum (MamBo). Some of the most interesting restaurants in the city are within walking distance: among these we would like to mention lArcimboldo, È Cucina Leopardi, and Ristorante Tartufo. About 150 meters from the apartment you can find the best stocked supermarket in the center of Bologna.Public transportation:There is a bus stop is just a few meters from the door of the building, along Via Marconi. From here you can quickly reach Piazza Maggiore, the station, or the Fair.Parking:The best option is the nearby Riva Reno parking lot (Via Azzo Gardino 61b), which is located about 300 meters from the building. Monthly pass costs 165. The apartment is located just outside the ZTL area, which starts at the intersection of Via Marconi and Via Riva Reno.Important: guests are required to pay a tourist tax that is not included in the price. 4,60 person, per night. It is applied only to the first 5 nights.Pets:Pets are allowed ( 20+VAT per night, limited to the first 5 nights).Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

€ 1.860,00
Su Case in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Apartment - Via Guglielmo Marconi - BolognaGorgeous and spacious one bedroom apartment for rent in Bologna, renovated and refurbished in February 2011 and located on the 2° floor of a stately building (with elevator) in Bologna historical center, in a strategic position among the station, the Fair area and Piazza Maggiore.Guests have access to a fully equipped kitchen and are provided with bed linens and towels. Upon arrival, our staff will be waiting at the apartment to explain how everything works and to hand over the keys. During your stay, our staff is available to address any requests or concerns.This elegant 65 sqm apartment, completely renovated and fitted with luxury finishes such as parquet flooring, independent heating and air conditioning, opens up onto a foyer with a built-in storage room, where you can put away home products. The foyer leads directly to a spacious day area, furnished with a double sofa bed (160 x 200 cm), a crystal table for 4 people and a TV corner with flat screen TV, DVD player and stereo. The modern and fully equipped open plan kitchen, complete with washing machine, oven and dishwasher, is located on one side of the living area.A corridor leads to a spacious bedroom with two single beds (80 x 200 cm), which can be joined and used as a double bed (160 x 200 cm), two closets, a desk and a comfortable armchair. The bathroom is located next to the entrance door and is fitted with a functional shower stall.Particularly interesting is the lightning system, which has been designed with care and which allows to create the perfect atmosphere in different situations.The rental price includes the initial and the final cleaning, the rent, the condominium expenses, Italian taxes (television and garbage), WiFi internet and bills. For electricity and gas, in particular, we include a forfait of 100 per month. Only if you exceed this forfait, you would have to pay the difference. Area:The apartment is located on Via Marconi, 10 minute walk from Piazza Maggiore and the Torre degli Asinelli, the heart of Bolognas city centre, famous for the crowded streets of the quadrilateral, where you can taste local delicacies, and peruse the elegant shopping streets that wind through Via Farini, Piazza Santo Stefano, and Galleria Cavour.In the immediate vicinity there are the XI Settembre and Cavaticcio parks, where on Saturday the organic market takes place and during the summer there is an impressive schedule of gastronomic and musical events planned.A short walk from the apartment, you will find the Bologna Cineteca and the modern art museum (MamBo). Some of the most interesting restaurants in the city are within walking distance: among these we would like to mention lArcimboldo, È Cucina Leopardi, and Ristorante Tartufo. About 150 meters from the apartment you can find the best stocked supermarket in the center of Bologna.Public transportation:There is a bus stop is just a few meters from the door of the building, along Via Marconi. From here you can quickly reach Piazza Maggiore, the station, or the Fair.Parking:The best option is the nearby Riva Reno parking lot (Via Azzo Gardino 61b), which is located about 300 meters from the building. Monthly pass for 165. The apartment is located just outside the ZTL area, which starts at the intersection of Via Marconi and Via Riva Reno.Important: guests are required to pay a tourist tax that is not included in the price. 4,60 per person, per night. It is applied only to the first 5 nights.Pets:Pets are allowed ( 20+VAT per night, limited to the first 5 nights).Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

€ 1.905,00
Su Case in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Apartment - Via Guglielmo Marconi Bologna, Italy,Modern one bedroom apartment for rent in Bologna with balcony, renovated and refurbished in February 2011 and located on the 4° floor of a stately building (with elevator) in Bologna historical center, in a strategic position among the station, the Fair area and Piazza Maggiore.Guests have access to a fully equipped kitchen and are provided with bed linens and towels. Upon arrival, our staff will be waiting at the apartment to explain how everything works and to hand over the keys. During your stay, our staff is available to address any requests or concerns.This elegant 65 sqm apartment, completely renovated and fitted with luxury finishes such as parquet flooring, independent heating and air conditioning, opens up onto a foyer with a built-in storage room, where you can put away home products.The foyer leads directly to a spacious day area, furnished with a double sofa bed (160 x 200 cm), a crystal table for 4 people and a TV corner with flat screen TV, DVD player and stereo. The modern and fully equipped open plan kitchen, complete with washing machine, oven and dishwasher, is located on one side of the living area. The room leads out onto a balcony overlooking a quiet inner courtyard and allowing to enjoy the sight o Bologna tile roofs.A corridor leads to a spacious bedroom with two single beds (80 x 200 cm), which can be joined and used as a double bed (160 x 200 cm), two closets, a desk and a comfortable armchair. The bathroom is located next to the entrance door and is fitted with a functional shower stall.Particularly interesting id the lightning system, which has been designed with care and which allows to create the perfect atmosphere in different situations.The rental price includes the initial and the final cleaning, the rent, the condominium expenses, Italian taxes (television and garbage), WiFi internet and bills. For electricity and gas, in particular, we include a forfait of 100 per month. Only if you exceed this forfait, you would have to pay the difference. Area:The apartment is located on Via Marconi, 10 minute walk from Piazza Maggiore and the Torre degli Asinelli, the heart of Bolognas city centre, famous for the crowded streets of the quadrilateral, where you can taste local delicacies, and peruse the elegant shopping streets that wind through Via Farini, Piazza Santo Stefano, and Galleria Cavour.In the immediate vicinity there are the XI Settembre and Cavaticcio parks, where on Saturday the organic market takes place and during the summer there is an impressive schedule of gastronomic and musical events planned.A short walk from the apartment, you will find the Bologna Cineteca and the modern art museum (MamBo). Some of the most interesting restaurants in the city are within walking distance: among these we would like to mention lArcimboldo, È Cucina Leopardi, and Ristorante Tartufo. About 150 meters from the apartment you can find the best stocked supermarket in the center of Bologna.Public transportation:There is a bus stop is just a few meters from the door of the building, along Via Marconi. From here you can quickly reach Piazza Maggiore, the station, or the Fair.Parking:The best option is the nearby Riva Reno parking lot (Via Azzo Gardino 61b), which is located about 300 meters from the building. Monthly pass costs 165. The apartment is located just outside the ZTL area, which starts at the intersection of Via Marconi and Via Riva Reno.Important: guests are required to pay a tourist tax that is not included in the price. 4,60 person, per night. It is applied only to the first 5 nights.Pets:Pets are allowed ( 20+VAT per night, limited to the first 5 nights).Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

Monolocale via guglielmo marconi, marconi, bologna

€ 1.905,00
Su Case in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Apartment - Via Guglielmo Marconi - BolognaGorgeous and spacious one bedroom apartment for rent in Bologna, renovated and refurbished in February 2011 and located on the 5° floor of a stately building (with elevator) in Bologna historical center, in a strategic position among the station, the Fair area and Piazza Maggiore.Guests have access to a fully equipped kitchen and are provided with bed linens and towels. Upon arrival, our staff will be waiting at the apartment to explain how everything works and to hand over the keys. During your stay, our staff is available to address any requests or concerns.This elegant 65 sqm apartment, completely renovated and fitted with luxury finishes such as parquet flooring, independent heating and air conditioning, opens up onto a foyer with a built-in storage room, where you can put away home products. The foyer leads directly to a spacious day area, furnished with a double sofa bed (160 x 200 cm), a crystal table for 4 people and a TV corner with flat screen TV, DVD player and stereo. The modern and fully equipped open plan kitchen, complete with washing machine, oven and dishwasher, is located on one side of the living area.A corridor leads to a spacious bedroom with two single beds (80 x 200 cm), which can be joined and used as a double bed (160 x 200 cm), two closets, a desk and a comfortable armchair. The bathroom is located next to the entrance door and is fitted with a functional shower stall.Particularly interesting is the lightning system, which has been designed with care and which allows to create the perfect atmosphere in different situations.The rental price includes the initial and the final cleaning, the rent, the condominium expenses, Italian taxes (television and garbage), WiFi internet and bills. For electricity and gas, in particular, we include a forfait of 100 per month. Only if you exceed this forfait, you would have to pay the difference. Area:The apartment is located on Via Marconi, 10 minute walk from Piazza Maggiore and the Torre degli Asinelli, the heart of Bolognas city centre, famous for the crowded streets of the quadrilateral, where you can taste local delicacies, and peruse the elegant shopping streets that wind through Via Farini, Piazza Santo Stefano, and Galleria Cavour.In the immediate vicinity there are the XI Settembre and Cavaticcio parks, where on Saturday the organic market takes place and during the summer there is an impressive schedule of gastronomic and musical events planned.A short walk from the apartment, you will find the Bologna Cineteca and the modern art museum (MamBo). Some of the most interesting restaurants in the city are within walking distance: among these we would like to mention lArcimboldo, È Cucina Leopardi, and Ristorante Tartufo. About 150 meters from the apartment you can find the best stocked supermarket in the center of Bologna.Public transportation:There is a bus stop is just a few meters from the door of the building, along Via Marconi. From here you can quickly reach Piazza Maggiore, the station, or the Fair.Parking:The best option is the nearby Riva Reno parking lot (Via Azzo Gardino 61b), which is located about 300 meters from the building. Monthly pass costs 165. The apartment is located just outside the ZTL area, which starts at the intersection of Via Marconi and Via Riva Reno.Important: guests are required to pay a tourist tax that is not included in the price. 4,60 per person, per night. It is applied only to the first 5 nights.Pets:Pets are allowed ( 20+VAT per night, limited to the first 5 nights).Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Posto auto - moto, irnerio, bologna

Posto auto - moto, irnerio, bologna

€ 210,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna ieri

Referente: Stefano Marinelli - Cell.: 3283346908. RIF.: SM 131. Affittasi posto auto in garage comune in via Mascarella. Accesso al piano terra da cancello automatico, lungo 5 m e largo 2.50 m, capace di contenere ogni tipo di auto. Disponibile da subito.

Posto auto - moto, bolognina, bologna

Posto auto - moto, bolognina, bologna

€ 70,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Rif.199 BOLOGNINA VIA FRANCESCO BARBIERI POSTI AUTO COPERTI E SCOPERTI IN CORTE INTERNA RECINTATA CON ACCESSO CARRAIO AUTOMATIZZATO Diritti d'agenzia (minimo imponibile) di € 300 +IVA CANONI A PARTIRE DA € 70 Mensili (scoperti) a 80 Mensili (coperti) CANONI NON TRATTABILIDiritti d'agenzia (minimo imponibile) di € 300 +IVASono disponibili su richiesta PDF, APE, Catastino. LINK to Form :*/VIDEO YouTube: In Allestimento Per ulteriori informazioni ed appuntamenti tel. 051 377757 (r.a.) GSM 335 7315922 e-mail richieste@ilprogetto.comCerca tra le altre nostre proposte sul sito: - info@ilprogetto.comIL PROGETTO® Gruppo Immobiliare via Francesco Barbieri,105/c 40129 Bologna REA BO/292938Telefoni 051 377757 (6 linee in ric. Aut.) - GSM 335 7315922 ORARI DI APERTURA (si riceve solo previo appuntamento): dal lunedì al giovedì 9:00-13:00 e 14:30-18:00; venerdì e prefestivi 9:00 alle 13.00.

Posto auto - moto, massarenti, bologna

Posto auto - moto, massarenti, bologna

€ 85,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

IMMOBILAIRE INSIEME è lieta di proporvi in Via Paolo Fabbri, di fronte all'Ospedale Sant'Orsola, un posto auto scoperto in area condominiale, un posto auto comodo per l'accesso e le manovre. Immobiliare insieme è una rete di agenzie immobiliari presente sul mercato da 30 anni, attualmente sviluppata in 4 Agenzie sul territorio Bolognese, ubicate in posizioni strategiche. Immobiliare insieme si contraddistingue per la qualità dei suoi servizi immobiliari, servizi erogati da agenti immobiliari professionali con grande esperienza. Per approfondire la conoscenza di Immobiliare insieme consigliamo di visitare il sito e la nostra pagina facebook.

Posto auto - moto, irnerio, bologna

Posto auto - moto, irnerio, bologna

€ 220,00
Su Box auto in affitto Bologna 22 giorni fa

Proponiamo in locazione n. 1 posto auto in pieno centro storico (P.zza VIII Agosto) .Se interessati a fissare un appuntamento, potete contattarci al seguente numero: Puntocasa Soluzioni abitative sas - Via Saffi 24/a - 051/522546.

Principali categorie a Bologna
Ciao e benvenuto su annunci in italia, il portale leader per l'affitto e la vendita di immobili in Italia. Se stai cercando posto auto - moto via guglielmo marconi 49 Immobiliari, siamo qui per aiutarti. Offriamo una vasta gamma di opzioni immobiliari a Bologna, a prezzi competitivi. Con noi, trovare Immobiliari perfetto per le tue esigenze è facile e veloce. Basta utilizzare il nostro motore di ricerca avanzato per filtrare gli annunci in base alla località, al tipo di immobile, al prezzo e alle caratteristiche che desideri. Inoltre, siamo sempre a tua disposizione per fornirti maggiori informazioni e consigli sulla scelta dell'immobile più adatto a te. Non esitare a contattarci per ulteriori dettagli o per fissare un appuntamento per visitare gli immobili che ti interessano. Speriamo di aiutarti a trovare l'immobile dei tuoi sogni presto!

Dopo aver testato questo prodotto nella città di Bologna, abbiamo scoperto che la maggior parte degli utenti cerca Immobiliari, specialmente posto auto - moto via guglielmo marconi 49. Prezzi a partire da 1 €. è il tuo partner affidabile per la ricerca di immobili. Che tu stia cercando una nuova casa in vendita o una stanza in affitto, ti offre una vasta gamma di opzioni immobiliari. Esplora le nostre offerte e trova la tua nuova casa su