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- stanza singola via della pastorella 2
Villa il Baccano предлагает идеальные решения для тех, кто по причинам учебы или работы должен переехать во Флоренцию на среднесрочную или долгосрочную перспективу, но кто хочет жить среди природы в привилегированном окружении во Фьезоле, откуда все районы Флоренции (Южная Флоренция , Северная Флоренция, центр города) легко и просто добраться, особенно если у вас есть транспортное средство (автомобиль или мотоцикл) САД - БАРБЕКЮ - БИО САД - ЧАСТНАЯ ПАРКОВКА - ТЕРРАСА-СОЛЯРИЙНаши гости - студенты, учителя, рабочие, разных возрастов, разных культур и национальностей, всех с сильными принципами образования, правильности и понимания, объединенных потребностью жить в благоприятном контексте, привилегированном окружающей средой и природой, которая его окружает, и делиться, когда вам хочется, пространствами и время с другими На вилле il Baccano вы можете чувствовать себя как дома .. в нужном месте с людьми, с которыми вы живете во взаимном уважении. Правила дома таковы, что места общего пользования, даже если они периодически убираются, также содержатся в чистоте и порядке каждый день Автомобиль или мотоцикл не обязательны (нас обслуживает общественный транспорт) ... но определенно рекомендуется для средних и долгосрочное проживание: - двухместный номер для одноместного размещения 400 евро в месяц Доплата за коммунальные услуги и услуги в течение месяца согласовывается в зависимости от периода (номера с собственной ванной комнатой также доступны с небольшой доплатой)
Affitto Stanza via della BattagliaAffittasi stanza in appartamento di 100 mq, situato al secondo piano di un condominio signorile, comodo a tutti i servizi e immerso nel verde. L'appartamento è composto da: Ingresso Cucina abitabile 3 camere da letto(Disponibile stanza da €550) 1 bagno Terrazzino Inoltre, è disponibile un garage a parte, se necessario. La zona è tranquilla e ben collegata, perfetta per studenti o professionisti in cerca di una soluzione accogliente e pratica. Per maggiori informazioni e per visionare l'appartamento, contattare il numero T.0519527774. Non perdere l'opportunità di vivere in un ambiente confortevole e ben servito!
В здании в окружении зелени, недалеко от основных услуг (автобус, супермаркет, кинотеатр) и велосипедной дорожки, чтобы легко добраться до центра. Квартира подходит только для студентов: 2 спальни с двуспальными кроватями, каждая с 2 односпальными кроватями, каждая из которых обслуживается балконом, шкафом и прикроватной тумбочкой Гостиная с кухней и выходом на третий балкон и большую гостиную. Кладовая и велосипедный погреб НЕМЕДЛЕННАЯ ДОСТУПНОСТЬ.
Rif. 1405cam4. Libera dal 1 Gennaio 2025. Affittasi camera a soli ragazzi (maschi) in appartamento di 80 mq circa, in zona Cure, servita da autobus e negozi di vario genere. L'appartamento è dotato di lavatrice, lavastoviglie ed è composto da ingresso, cucina abitabile, 2 bagni, 4 camere da letto e ripostiglio. Al momento l'appartamento è abitato da solo 3 studenti/lavoratori. Il prezzo è di 400,00 euro tutto compreso (spese condominiali, tasi, tari e consumi delle utenze). Il contratto è in cedolare secca, no spese di bollo e di registro!!
Affittasi stanza in appartamento di 100 mq, situato al secondo piano di un condominio signorile, comodo a tutti i servizi e immerso nel verde. L'appartamento è composto da:IngressoCucina abitabile3 camere da letto( € 480+ € 500+€550)1 bagnoTerrazzinoInoltre, è disponibile un garage a parte, se necessario. La zona è tranquilla e ben collegata, perfetta per studenti o professionisti in cerca di una soluzione accogliente e pratica.Per maggiori informazioni e per visionare l'appartamento, contattare il numero T.0519527774.Non perdere l'opportunità di vivere in un ambiente confortevole e ben servito!
Сдается в аренду комфортабельная квартира в самом центре на площади Республики, в 200 метрах от центрального вокзала Брешии, в 3 минутах ходьбы от центра Фреччаросса и тренажерного зала Virgin, в 6 минутах ходьбы от исторического центра, в 200 метрах от станции метро. и 300 от всех автобусов и автобусов - мы арендуем 3 комнаты на втором этаже с лифтом: гостиная, кухня, ванная комната, 3 спальни с двуспальными кроватями для одного человека со всей новой мебелью. Комнаты сдаются в аренду студентам-мужчинам и / или рабочим в возрасте от 18 до 35 лет. Месячная стоимость 300 евро за номер. Каждый арендатор будет платить 100 евро в месяц единовременно за все расходы и потребление (кондоминиум, мусор, вода, электричество, газ, отопление, оптоволоконный интернет) на общую сумму 400 евро в месяц по системе «все включено», без необходимости регистрировать что-либо. !
Милан- Брузцано- FNM- MM3 Affori FNM В АРЕНДУ полная комната, нежилая, оборудованная кроватью, шкафом для одежды, прикроватной тумбочкой, вешалкой для одежды, письменным столом со стулом, мини-баром, безлимитным WI-FI, кондиционером и меблированной ванной комнатой. Комплекс AREA 10 включает в себя полностью оборудованный клуб с большой кухней, гостиной с гостиной, зоной с телевизором, прачечной со стиральной машиной и сушилкой, WI-FI и большой открытой площадкой, где вы сможете оценить спокойствие этого места и почувствовать себя погружен в зеленый оазис вдали от шумового загрязнения мегаполиса. Зона 10 появилась на свет благодаря переоборудованию здания, в котором располагался исторический ресторан Trattoria a casa Mia, знаменитый ресторан в истории традиционной миланской кухни. Объект был полностью переоборудован и отремонтирован с использованием самых инновационных строительных технологий и предназначен для клиентов, которые, помимо бизнеса в мегаполисе, должны наслаждаться отдыхом, ценить контекст, в котором расположен Зона 10, уникальный оазис в Милане, территория, отведенная для миграции птиц благодаря озерам, созданным на протяжении многих лет, территория огромных парков, соединяющая Милан со всей внутренней частью страны, внутри которой мы находим беговые, фитнес-трассы и дорожки для горных велосипедов. Вместо этого история этого района дает нам Резиденцию Манцони, историческую резиденцию известного писателя, гробницу Манцони, замок Брузцано. В двух шагах от Зоны 10 находится больница Нигуарда Ка Гранда, до которой легко добраться пешком, а кольцевые дороги находятся примерно в 1,5 километрах. Для любителей полетов примерно в 2,5 километрах находится аэропорт Брессо, специализированный узел для туристических полетов и полетов на вертолетах. Он граничит с районами Нигуарда на юго-востоке, Аффори на юго-западе и Комасина на западе; он также граничит с муниципалитетом Кормано на севере. Помимо скверов, район окружен с северо-востока на юго-восток Северным парком Милана. Парк развивался на протяжении многих лет, начиная с леса Бруццано, до создания самого парка, и сейчас является частью Северного парка. Район обслуживается наземным общественным транспортом 40,70 и 52. Большое значение имеет близость к остановке станции FNM Milano Bruzzano и желтой линии метро MM3 Affori FNM.
Milano- Bruzzano AFFITASI camera completa, mai abitata, dotata di letto, armadio, comodino, appendiabiti, scrivania con sedia, frigo bar, aria condizionata e bagno arredato. Il complesso AREA 10 comprende una clubhouse completamente attrezzata con un ampia cucina, zona living con soggiorno e angolo TV, locale lavanderia compreso di lavatrice e asciugatrice, WI-FI e un' ampia area esterna dove poter apprezzare la tranquillità della location e sentirsi immersi in un' oasi di verde lontani dall'inquinamento acustico della metropoli. Area 10 nasce grazie alla riconversione di un immobile che ospitava la storica “Trattoria a casa Mia” ,famoso ristorante nella storia della cucina milanese tradizionale. L’immobile è stato convertito e ristrutturato completamente con le più innovative tecniche edilizie, pensato per una clientela che oltre al business della metropoli deve abbandonarsi al relax, apprezzare il contesto in cui sorge Area 10, un’oasi unica in Milano, zona riservata alla migrazione degli uccelli grazie ai laghi creati negli anni, zona di parchi immensi che collega Milano con tutto l’hinterland, all’interno di questi troviamo percorsi running, fitness e mountain bike. La storia della zona invece ci regala la Residenza Manzoni dimora storia del noto scrittore, la tomba del Manzoni, il castello di Bruzzano. A due passi da Area 10 troviamo l’ospedale Niguarda Ca’ Granda raggiungibile tranquillamente a piedi, le tangenziali distano a circa 1,5 chilometri. Per gli appassionati del volo a circa 2,5 chilometri abbiamo l’Aeroporto di Bresso, hub specializzato per il volo turistico ed il volo elicotteristico. E’ confinante con i quartieri di Niguarda a sud-est, di Affori a sud-ovest e della Comasina a ovest; confina inoltre con il comune di Cormano a nord. Oltre ad avere alcuni giardini pubblici, il quartiere è cinto da nordest a sudest dal Parco Nord Milano. Il Parco si è sviluppato negli anni partendo dal Bosco di Bruzzano, prima dell'istituzione del parco stesso e ora è parte del parco Nord. La zona è servita dai mezzi pubblici di superficie 40,70 e 52.Fondamentale la vicinanza alla fermata della stazione FNM Milano Bruzzano e metropolitana linea MM3 gialla Affori FNM.
Affittasi n. 1 stanza PER STUDENTI con letto matrimoniale disponibile da subito, in luminoso appartamento in via della Palazzina appena ristrutturato e completamente arredato, sito al 1°piano con ascensore, di circa 170 mq. Composto da: 4 stanze, 2 bagni, cucina abitabile, ampio terrazzo, ripostiglio, ampio soggiorno. Nelle zone comuni è presente il parquet, cucina ed elettrodomestici nuovi (incluse lavastoviglie e lavatrice), riscaldamento termoautonomo, tende da sole sul terrazzo. Ben collegato con il campus Riello (Facoltà di biologia, ingegneria, scienze agrarie e forestali, beni culturali), 10 min dalla facoltà di economia, a 5 min da Porta Fiorentina. Supermercati, tabaccheria, edicola, bar, pizzerie, ristoranti nel raggio di 30 mt. Canone stanza singola 210€ + 130€ ( internet, condominio, rifiuti solidi urbani e servizio di pulizia settimanale delle zone comuni, luce, acqua e gas) con eventuale conguaglio. Regolare contratto di locazione. Classe energetica: EDisponibile da subito.2 mensilità di caparraSOGGIORNO MINIMO 6 MESIRecapitiLuigina:3409076269
Stanza Singola ammobiliata zona Piazzale Della Radio dal primo di febbraio in appartamento con altre 3 persone (2 bagni), solo ragazze lavoratrici
stanza singola in viale della cittadella in appartamento con 5 stanze due bagni e cucina soggiorno . Al quarto piano con ascensore.Garage x moto o bici. Gli altri coinquilini sono maschi. 300euro + 100 euro spese condominiali.nelle spese condominiali sono comprese le spese per riscaldamento e consumo acqua calda. utenze da dividere con gli altri coinquilini, circa 60 euro a bimestre. chiamare 3930441256. stanza libera dal 1 maggio 2025
Nei pressi di VIA DELLA COSTITUENTE nel cuore della CITTA' di PARMA, adiacente ad università e a tutti i servizi alla persona.Comodo ai mezzi pubblici come il 6,11,1,e alla STAZIONESi propone appartamento con STANZA SINGOLA in condivisione libero da subito completamente ARREDATALa camera è ampia di circa 16 mq ed è libera da subitoLa cucina e il bagno sono in condivisione, e l'immobile si trova al PRIMO pianoLA RICHIESTA E' DI EURO 300PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI CI TROVI IN STRADA BIXIO 70 PARMA 3517251129Affitto privato non è un'agenzia immobiliare e non svolge attività di mediazione. E' un'inserzionista che offre un servizio informativo di accesso ad una banca dati, contenente offerte di immobili di proprietari privati reperibili gratuitamente su altri portali... non ci sono costi di mediazione ma un'unica quota per usufruire del servizio
Trova Affitto non è un'agenzia immobiliare e non svolge attività di mediazione.È un inserzionista che offre un servizio informativo di accesso ad una banca dati, contenente offerte di immobili di proprietari privati reperibili gratuitamente anche su altri portali.Non ci sono costi di mediazione ma un'unica quota per usufruire del servizio.Rif. 856Hai bisogno di un luogo accogliente e conveniente dove vivere? Questa stanza singola situata in zona Ospedale /Oltrettorrente è la soluzione ideale.Dettagli dell'immobile:Tipologia: Stanza SingolaLocali Totali: 4Riscaldamento: AutonomoArredamento: Completamente arredatoDisponibilità: LiberaCanone mensile: 330,00 euroL'appartamento offre spazi condivisi ben curati, perfetti per socializzare e rilassarsi. La posizione è ottimale, con tutti i servizi necessari a portata di mano e buoni collegamenti con il resto della città.PER ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI CI TROVI IN VIA VOLTURNO 14/B A PARMA, O CHIAMACI!!
Proponiamo in zona Balduina, a pochi passi dai mezzi di trasporto e dai principali servizi, graziosa stanza singola in un appartamento di 140 mq completamente arredato ed ristrutturatoInternamente composto da:1 ingresso,1 cucina abitabile,1 soggiorno3 camere da letto matrimoniali,2 bagni finestrato con box doccia,Posto al 3 piano con ascensoreTermoautonomo e climatizzato.CANONE MENSILE 390PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI CONTATTATECI DIRETTAMENTERispetto alle altre agenzie, non ci sono spese di intermediazione, ma solamente un'unica quota per usufruire dei nostri servizi.Chiamateci senza impegno per maggiori informazioni.
Nicely Furnished Bedroom For rent in FlorenceThis large room offers a big size bed with private bathroom, a spacious closet, AC, WIFI, and you can totally make it feel like your personal spot to unwind.Make this exceptional property your new home!This nice apartament, recently restored, very bright and silent. It features large windows that brighten the living spaces, good furniture, a fully equipped kitchen to cook anything you please, bathroom with a washing machine, in other words, a fantastic living opportunity.The neihborhood is filled with energy! Located in a typical florentine building of the early XX century, in San Frediano neighborhood (artist, artesan) very close to all the major atraction but far from the touristic bustle. You can find plenty of activities here, such as wonderful shopping locations, restaurants, cafes, gyms, and a lot more around every corner.Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
Beautiful room single use complete with everything you need to stay comfortable during your study period.The apartment is with 7 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, fully equipped kitchen, 100 MB Fibra Wi-Fi.Supermarket near the house, bus stops under the house, Tramvia L3 stop under the house, historic center is 500 meters away, many universities and private schools are nearby.The apartment is quiet and clean so I only look for quiet and clean tenants.The ALL INCLUSIVE formula includes rent, condominium, electricity, gas, water, internet, cleaning of common areas once a week and waste tax, therefore maximum transparency: the price indicated is what you will really pay in the end! 1 month security deposit. One-time fee for administrative management (contract, taxes, insurance, 24-hour technical assistance, maintenance, final cleaning) is indicated in the section "Total payout".Bed linen is not included, a mattress cover and a pillowcase are provided, the bed measures 140*200No header of various bills, we also provide the Money back guarantee valid for the first 7 days of the contract, you can easily book online, you won't have any nasty surprises! Technical assistance available in case of breakdowns 24 hours a day for your peace of mind.So what are you waiting for?\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
Beautiful room with terrace complete with everything you need to stay comfortable during your study period.The apartment is with 7 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, fully equipped kitchen, 100 MB Fibra Wi-Fi.Supermarket near the house, bus stops under the house, Tramvia L3 stop under the house, historic center is 500 meters away, many universities and private schools are nearby.The apartment is quiet and clean so I only look for quiet and clean tenants.The ALL INCLUSIVE formula includes rent, condominium, electricity, gas, water, internet, cleaning of common areas once a week and waste tax, therefore maximum transparency: the price indicated is what you will really pay in the end! 1 month security deposit. One-time fee for administrative management (contract, taxes, insurance, 24-hour technical assistance, maintenance, final cleaning) is indicated in the section "Total payout".Bed linen is not included, a mattress cover and a pillowcase are provided, the bed measures 140*200No header of various bills, we also provide the Money back guarantee valid for the first 7 days of the contract, you can easily book online, you won't have any nasty surprises! Technical assistance available in case of breakdowns 24 hours a day for your peace of mind.So what are you waiting for?\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
Beautiful room single use complete with everything you need to stay comfortable during your study period.The apartment is all new, with 7 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, fully equipped kitchen, 100 MB Fibra Wi-Fi.Supermarket near the house, bus stops under the house, Tramvia L3 stop under the house, historic center is 500 meters away, many universities and private schools are nearby.The apartment is quiet and clean so I only look for quiet and clean tenants.The ALL INCLUSIVE formula includes rent, condominium, electricity, gas, water, internet, cleaning of common areas once a week and waste tax, therefore maximum transparency: the price indicated is what you will really pay in the end!1 month security deposit.One-time fee for administrative management (contract, taxes, insurance, 24-hour technical assistance, maintenance, final cleaning) is indicated in the section "Total payout".Bed linen is not included, a mattress cover and a pillowcase are provided, the bed measures 140*200No header of various bills, we also provide the Money back guarantee valid for the first 7 days of the contract, you can easily book online, you won't have any nasty surprises!Technical assistance available in case of breakdowns 24 hours a day for your peace of mind.So what are you waiting for?\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
Masterpiece Bright Bedroom Private BalconyConvenient for both students and working professionals! This large apartment offers you a comfy bedroom with a perfect price. All the necessary types of equipment are available. Here, you will feel home The offred bedroom is very sunny with a private balcony. All three bedrooms are equipped with a bed, a desk, and a closet. You will be sharing the kitchen, the bathroom, and the dining room with 3 other tenants. The dining room is connected to the kitchen and it has a sunny balcony overlooking the street The cozy kitchen has all the necessary amenities to prepare tasty meals. The tidy bathroom has a bathtub. The washing machine is available in the bathroom! Enjoy your relaxing time here Enjoy Bologna! This property is located in a nice neighborhood from where you can reach the city center in just a few mins. Nearby too:Supermarkets Coop, pharmacy, banks, varieties of restaurants and barsPark: Parco Lunetta MariottiPublic transportation: Buses: 11,30Rental Condition:All bills are not included in the rent. You will need to pay 50 euros/month for water, electricity, wifi, and gas. Deposit is requested either at check-in in cash or 3 WORKING days before the move-in date. In the letter case, in order to keep your reservation and not loose the first month rent, you will need to show the advertiser a receipt of the bank transfer within 3 working days from the move-in date.we request 235 of administration but this expense could undergo variations of 30/40 euros, due to government increasesPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!, \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
Nice room with old furnitures, well equipped for a student.Near the bus stop for all directions. Five minutes from the Asinelli's Tower by bycicle .\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
Сдается студентам большой двухместный номер для одноместного проживания, меблированный двуспальной кроватью, комодом, шкафом для одежды, прикроватной тумбочкой, лампой, письменным столом, стулом, комодом... очень светлая южная сторона. В квартире, которую делят с другим студентом, характерная и очень тихий район, недоступный для транспортных средств на расстоянии 20 метров, но очень центральный и очень удобный для транспорта, все услуги15 минут ходьбы от OSP, Сан-Мартино и центра.Частично отремонтированный, новая электрическая система, новый котел и камины.
VIA CONTE DELLA CERRA: в нескольких минутах от площадей Леонардо и Пьяцца Медалье д'Оро, в районе, обслуживаемом основными остановками общественного транспорта, мы предлагаем в аренду исключительно студенту комнату в квартире площадью около 85 м2, включая прихожую, кухня, три спальни (две из которых уже сданы двум мальчикам) и ванная комната, а также великолепная ровная терраса. Полностью меблирована и оборудована. Запрошенная цена за номер: 350,00 евро, включая кондоминиум. КЛАСС ЭНЕРГИИ: G. Объект расположен на улице Виа Конте делла Серра, на полпути между холмистой частью города, Вомеро, и его историческим центром, в частности улицей Сальватор Роза. Вомеро является коммерческим и жилым центром города. Виа Сальватор Роза является частью района Аввоката, планировка улиц которого, богатство исторических зданий, характеризующих разные эпохи, придают этому месту беспрецедентную универсальную ценность, уже несколько лет включенную в Список объектов всемирного наследия (ЮНЕСКО). Дополнительная информация: Осмотр объекта возможен по предварительной записи по телефону. Для получения дополнительной информации или записи на прием свяжитесь с нами по телефону или отправьте электронное письмо, вы всегда найдете агента, готового ответить на ваши вопросы, предлагая вам отличные, качественные и профессиональные услуги в каждом случае.
Affitto privato non è un'agenzia immobiliare e non svolge attività di mediazione.E' un inserzionista che offre un servizio informativo di accesso ad una banca dati, contenente offerte di immobili di proprietari privati reperibili gratuitamente su altri portali.Non ci sono costi di mediazione ma un'unica quota per usufruire del servizioRIF.34007ROMA CENTRO- CIPRO - METRO AProponiamo in affitto una stanza singola con bagno privato in appartamento .Si presenta in ottime condizioni, totalmente arredato e termo autonomo.E' composto da ingresso, angolo cottura, tre camere da letto e servizi.Lo stabile si trova a pochi minuti a piedi dai principali negozi e servizi e da mezzi di trasporto pubblici,LE SPESE SONO TUTTE COMPRESE ANCHE LE UTENZE.CANONE MENSILE 650,00 EURO.PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI CONTATTATECI DIRETTAMENTE
Trova affitto non è un'agenzia immobiliare e non svolge attività di mediazione. E' un inserzionista che offre un servizio informativo di accesso ad una banca dati, contenente offerte di immobili di proprietari privati reperibili gratuitamente anche su altri portali.. Non ci sono costi di mediazione ma un'unica quota per usufruire del servizio. RIF 34007 PRATI - OTTIMI COLLEGAMENTI E SERVIZI. Si affitta stanza singola in un appartamento totalmente arredato e in ottime condizioni. Si compone di: ingresso, zona cucina, tre camere da letto e tre bagni. lo stabile si trova in una zona a pochi minuti dai principali servizi . Inoltre l'immobile è dotato di un terrazzo vivibile. Visionabile da subito. CANONE MENSILE 650€ PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI CONTATTATECI DIRETTAMENTE.
Enchanting Oasis in Historic Rome - Room in a Villa on 3 floors (for better understanding see the floor plan). Discover an idyllic retreat at the heart of Rome's historic charm, where Via della Camilluccia unveils a captivating neighborhood. This delightful locale seamlessly combines tranquility with proximity to the vibrant pulse of the city.Neighborhood Delights:Natural Splendor:Amidst the backdrop of Rome's captivating landscapes, Via della Camilluccia unfolds with tree-lined avenues and green enclaves. Enjoy leisurely strolls through nearby parks, offering a serene escape from the urban bustle.Cultural Tapestry:Embark on a journey through time as you explore neighboring historical sites. From ancient ruins to architectural wonders, the area narrates a compelling story of Rome's rich cultural heritage.Local Gastronomy:Indulge in the authentic flavors of Italy at local cafes and trattorias. Delight in traditional Roman cuisine and sample exquisite wines, all within easy reach of your haven.Convenience and Connectivity:Transportation Nexus:Via della Camilluccia ensures seamless access to public transportation, facilitating effortless exploration of the city. Whether bound for the historic center or Vatican City, transportation options abound.Shopping and Amenities:Uncover treasures in boutique shops and local markets, offering everything from artisan crafts to fresh produce. The neighborhood is well-equipped with essential amenities, enhancing the ease of daily living.Residential Tranquility:Serenity Amidst Urban Life:Escape the urban rush and retreat to a tranquil oasis after a day of exploration. The residential streets surrounding Via della Camilluccia provide a quiet haven, offering the perfect balance for those seeking both adventure and repose.Architectural Allure:Marvel at the architectural elegance of the surrounding residences. Classic Roman design intertwines seamlessly with modern comforts, creating an aesthetic that is both timeless and inviting.Discover Your Roman Haven:Via della Camilluccia reveals an unparalleled opportunity to reside in a neighborhood that effortlessly blends history, culture, and contemporary living. Immerse yourself in the allure of Rome, and make this enchanting retreat your home in the Eternal City.GENERAL INFORMATION Excluded from the rental fee: Condominium: 50 monthly Utilities (light+water+gas): fixed 100 euros. Administration fee (different from HA): 100 euros. IMPORTANT: We do not create registered contracts but we issue monthly invoices (which are enough to be compliant by the law in Italy). If you need a registered contract you will need to pay the full cost yourself which will be a one time cost of 300 euros. Please, consider the accommodation surface area shown in the listing is not accurate and it is just an indication of the size of the apartment. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 17 sqm with a single bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: F, IPE 79.93 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:1: 27, Female, Student2: 19, Female, Student3: 20, Female, Student4: 26, Female, Student6: 20, Female, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
Single room in a shared apartment, composed by 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.Of about 12 sqm with a single bed and a work station. With wifi, dishwasher, washing machine.Energy class: F, IPE 100.13 Kwh/Sqm year. Current tenants:1: 28, Female, Student2: 24, Female, Student3: 25, Female, Student5: 27, Female, Student6: 19, Female, StudentPlease be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to talking to you!CONTRACT Please, note that to all our listings we apply fortnightly contracts. This means that If you check-in during the first half of the month, you will be charged for the full month. If you check-in during the second half of the month, you will only be charged for the second half. The second half of the month starts on the 16th. If you check-out during the first half of the month, you will only pay until the 15th of that month. If you check-out during the second half of the month, you will be charged the full month. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
Enchanting Oasis in Historic Rome - Room in a Villa on 3 floors (for better understanding see the floor plan). Discover an idyllic retreat at the heart of Rome's historic charm, where Via della Camilluccia unveils a captivating neighborhood. This delightful locale seamlessly combines tranquility with proximity to the vibrant pulse of the city.Neighborhood Delights:Natural Splendor:Amidst the backdrop of Rome's captivating landscapes, Via della Camilluccia unfolds with tree-lined avenues and green enclaves. Enjoy leisurely strolls through nearby parks, offering a serene escape from the urban bustle.Cultural Tapestry:Embark on a journey through time as you explore neighboring historical sites. From ancient ruins to architectural wonders, the area narrates a compelling story of Rome's rich cultural heritage.Local Gastronomy:Indulge in the authentic flavors of Italy at local cafes and trattorias. Delight in traditional Roman cuisine and sample exquisite wines, all within easy reach of your haven.Convenience and Connectivity:Transportation Nexus:Via della Camilluccia ensures seamless access to public transportation, facilitating effortless exploration of the city. Whether bound for the historic center or Vatican City, transportation options abound.Shopping and Amenities:Uncover treasures in boutique shops and local markets, offering everything from artisan crafts to fresh produce. The neighborhood is well-equipped with essential amenities, enhancing the ease of daily living.Residential Tranquility:Serenity Amidst Urban Life:Escape the urban rush and retreat to a tranquil oasis after a day of exploration. The residential streets surrounding Via della Camilluccia provide a quiet haven, offering the perfect balance for those seeking both adventure and repose.Architectural Allure:Marvel at the architectural elegance of the surrounding residences. Classic Roman design intertwines seamlessly with modern comforts, creating an aesthetic that is both timeless and inviting.Discover Your Roman Haven:Via della Camilluccia reveals an unparalleled opportunity to reside in a neighborhood that effortlessly blends history, culture, and contemporary living. Immerse yourself in the allure of Rome, and make this enchanting retreat your home in the Eternal City.GENERAL INFORMATION Excluded from the rental fee: Condominium: 50 monthly Utilities (light+water+gas): fixed 100 euros. Administration fee (different from HA): 100 euros. IMPORTANT: We do not create registered contracts but we issue monthly invoices (which are enough to be compliant by the law in Italy). You do not pay for the issuing of the invoices. If you need a registered contract you will need to pay the full cost yourself which will be a one-time cost of 300 euros. Please, consider the accommodation surface area shown in the listing is not accurate and it is just an indication of the size of the apartment. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
Enchanting Oasis in Historic Rome - Room in a Villa on 3 floors (for better understanding see the floor plan). Discover an idyllic retreat at the heart of Rome's historic charm, where Via della Camilluccia unveils a captivating neighborhood. This delightful locale seamlessly combines tranquility with proximity to the vibrant pulse of the city.Neighborhood Delights:Natural Splendor:Amidst the backdrop of Rome's captivating landscapes, Via della Camilluccia unfolds with tree-lined avenues and green enclaves. Enjoy leisurely strolls through nearby parks, offering a serene escape from the urban bustle.Cultural Tapestry:Embark on a journey through time as you explore neighboring historical sites. From ancient ruins to architectural wonders, the area narrates a compelling story of Rome's rich cultural heritage.Local Gastronomy:Indulge in the authentic flavors of Italy at local cafes and trattorias. Delight in traditional Roman cuisine and sample exquisite wines, all within easy reach of your haven.Convenience and Connectivity:Transportation Nexus:Via della Camilluccia ensures seamless access to public transportation, facilitating effortless exploration of the city. Whether bound for the historic center or Vatican City, transportation options abound.Shopping and Amenities:Uncover treasures in boutique shops and local markets, offering everything from artisan crafts to fresh produce. The neighborhood is well-equipped with essential amenities, enhancing the ease of daily living.Residential Tranquility:Serenity Amidst Urban Life:Escape the urban rush and retreat to a tranquil oasis after a day of exploration. The residential streets surrounding Via della Camilluccia provide a quiet haven, offering the perfect balance for those seeking both adventure and repose.Architectural Allure:Marvel at the architectural elegance of the surrounding residences. Classic Roman design intertwines seamlessly with modern comforts, creating an aesthetic that is both timeless and inviting.Discover Your Roman Haven:Via della Camilluccia reveals an unparalleled opportunity to reside in a neighborhood that effortlessly blends history, culture, and contemporary living. Immerse yourself in the allure of Rome, and make this enchanting retreat your home in the Eternal City.GENERAL INFORMATION Excluded from the rental fee: . Condominium: 50 monthly . utilities (light+water+gas): on consumption. Minimum stay: 2 months Please, consider the accommodation surface area shown in the listing is not accurate and it is just an indication of the size of the apartment. \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano
Camera singola in affitto per studente in appartamento già abitato da studente di ingegneria , appartamento composto da soggiorno con angolo cottura, 2 camere, 1 bagno, terrazzo e garage.
Si propone in affitto stanza singola con letto matrimoniale e balcone in VIA DELLA COSTITUENTEDisponibile da subito!Stanza singola in appartamento di circa 70 mq arredata con letto matrimoniale ,ampio armadio e grande finestra L'appartamento si trova al secondo piano con ascensoreRICHIESTA DI EURO 350PER ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI CI TROVI IN STRADA BIXIO 70 A PARMA O CHIAMACI AL 3517251129L'indirizzo dell'immobile è indicativo della zona per preservare la privacy della proprietàAffitto privato non è un'agenzia immobiliare e non svolge attività di mediazione. E' un'inserzionista che offre un servizio informativo di accesso ad una banca dati, contenente offerte di immobili di proprietari privati reperibili gratuitamente su altri portali... non ci sono costi di mediazione ma un'unica quota per usufruire del servizio
Bari San Pasquale Alta - CHIGLIA APULA Via della CostituenteMacinagrossa Chiara Immobiliare Propone in locazione una stanza singola in quadrivani abitato da studenti. No lavoratori. No animali, no coppie. Solo studenti maschi per utilizzo 12 mesi. NO CONTRATTO Luminoso, in complesso residenziale con guardiania, piscina, campo tennis, campo calcio, posto bici, 1 posto auto.Richiesta € 280,00 con condominio escluse le utenze - 1 cauzionePer visionare la stanza contattare Macinagrossa Chiara Immobiliare 080/521353 Cell. 339/2735179 sede Via Carulli n. 40