monolocale via volta 17 Case in affitto a Como

Trovati: 50 annunci in vendita nella categoria Case in affitto a Como
Quadrilocale via camnago volta superiore, camnago volta, como

Quadrilocale via camnago volta superiore, camnago volta, como

€ 2.000,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

ИНФОРМАЦИЯ О 3482792330 ТРЕХКОМНАТНАЯ КВАРТИРА С САДОМ И КОРОБКОЙCOMO, Камнаго Вольта, (до центра города можно добраться за несколько минут на машине). Тихий район, утопающий в зелени, тихий и безлюдный.Вилла в стиле фермерского дома, полная очарования и особой архитектурной отделки как снаружи, так и внутри.Вход на первом этаже, большая кухня-столовая, гостиная/столовая, две большие спальни с двуспальными кроватями, кабинет, две ванные комнаты Полностью меблированная квартира. Меблировка как на престижной фотографии Имущество включает в себя гараж, два парковочных места, частный сад. ДОМАШНИЕ ЖИВОТНЫЕ НЕ ДОПУСКАЮТСЯ Независимые пользователи. Наглядные рекомендации и экономические гарантии.

Appartamento in residenziale in Via Alessandro Volta

Appartamento in residenziale in Via Alessandro Volta

€ 1.850,00
Su Case in affitto Como 11 giorni fa

In una delle vie più iconiche della splendida Como, all’interno della città murata, proponiamo splendido appartamento in affitto. Lo storico palazzo del ‘700 che ospita la proprietà è completamente ristrutturato e situato in zona strategica. L’appartamento è disponibile da gennaio 2025. La proprietà è composta da importante ingresso, che dà accesso alle varie stanze e così composta: grande soggiorno, cucina con pranzo arredata, camera matrimoniale, seconda camera e bagno. Inoltre, abbiamo zona lavanderia e ripostiglio. I dettagli all’interno sono ricercati e raffinati, come lo splendido parquet, grandissime altezze, vasca idromassaggio, bagni nuovi e completi, come pure la cucina; senza dimenticare il rarissimo posto auto all’interno. Per maggiori informazioni e/o per fissare una visita in loco chiamare al numero o scrivere alla mail. Gli annunci presenti sul sito hanno esclusivamente finalità informativa e pubblicitaria. Tutti i dati ivi contenuti (a titolo esemplificativo prezzo, ubicazione, metratura degli immobili, ecc…) sono meramente indicativi e non formano oggetto di proposta contrattuale vincolante.

Trilocale via alessandro volta, centro storico, como

Trilocale via alessandro volta, centro storico, como

€ 1.850,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

In una delle vie più iconiche della splendida Como, all’interno della città murata, proponiamo splendido appartamento in affitto. Lo storico palazzo del ‘700 che ospita la proprietà è completamente ristrutturato e situato in zona strategica. L’appartamento è disponibile da gennaio 2025. La proprietà è composta da importante ingresso, che dà accesso alle varie stanze e così composta: grande soggiorno, cucina con pranzo arredata, camera matrimoniale, seconda camera e bagno. Inoltre, abbiamo zona lavanderia e ripostiglio. I dettagli all’interno sono ricercati e raffinati, come lo splendido parquet, grandissime altezze, vasca idromassaggio, bagni nuovi e completi, come pure la cucina; senza dimenticare il rarissimo posto auto all’interno. Per maggiori informazioni e/o per fissare una visita in loco chiamare al numero 031 3384941 o scrivere alla mail Gli annunci presenti sul sito hanno esclusivamente finalità informativa e pubblicitaria. Tutti i dati ivi contenuti (a titolo esemplificativo prezzo, ubicazione, metratura degli immobili, ecc…) sono meramente indicativi e non formano oggetto di proposta contrattuale vincolante.

Bilocale via rienza 67, camnago volta, como

Bilocale via rienza 67, camnago volta, como

€ 750,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

Via Риенца в направлении Camnago Вольта, мы предлагаем аренду света, расположенный на полу rialzato.L'appartamento решение состоит из: прихожая, гостиная с кухней, спальня прихожая, спальня и ванная комната с vasca.Viene поставляется полностью в комплекте arredato.Si коробка singolo.La здание состоит из четырех блоков с общим садом и центральным отоплением. Le Ежемесячные расходы составили 100 евро mensili.Ottima решение для независимых исследований, неприкосновенность частной жизни, у информационного центра città.Ulteriori - решения, посетив наш веб-сайт

Appartamento in affitto a como via alessandro volta

Appartamento in affitto a como via alessandro volta

€ 1.850,00
Su Case in affitto Como 10 giorni fa

In una delle vie più iconiche della splendida Como, all’interno della città murata, proponiamo splendido appartamento in affitto. Lo storico palazzo del ‘700 che ospita la proprietà è completamente ristrutturato e situato in zona strategica. L’appartamento è disponibile da gennaio 2025. La proprietà è composta da importante ingresso, che dà accesso alle varie stanze e così composta: grande soggiorno, cucina con pranzo arredata, camera matrimoniale, seconda camera e bagno. Inoltre, abbiamo zona lavanderia e ripostiglio. I dettagli all’interno sono ricercati e raffinati, come lo splendido parquet, grandissime altezze, vasca idromassaggio, bagni nuovi e completi, come pure la cucina; senza dimenticare il rarissimo posto auto all’interno. Per maggiori informazioni e/o per fissare una visita in loco chiamare al numero 031 3384941 o scrivere alla mail Gli annunci presenti sul sito hanno esclusivamente finalità informativa e pubblicitaria. Tutti i dati ivi contenuti (a titolo esemplificativo prezzo, ubicazione, metratura degli immobili, ecc…) sono meramente indicativi e non formano oggetto di proposta contrattuale vincolante.

Bilocale via alessandro volta 61, centro storico, como

Bilocale via alessandro volta 61, centro storico, como

€ 1.000,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

Сдается трехкомнатная квартира в историческом центре (ZTL) на первом этаже старинного дома на очаровательной улице Виа Вольта.Трехкомнатная квартира состоит из:- гостиной- мини-кухни- спальни с двуспальной кроватью- двойной спальня или 2 односпальные кровати- ванная комната с окном и душемПЕРЕХОДНЫЙ ДОГОВОР (максимум 18 месяцев).СУБАРЕНДА НЕВОЗМОЖНА.Мы НЕ заинтересованы в краткосрочной аренде.Полностью меблирована:Кухня с индукционной плитой, духовка, микроволновая печь, холодильник с морозильной камерой, кофемашина Nesperesso, посудомоечная и стиральная машины. Отопление автономное и может управляться с помощью дистанционной системы, есть кондиционер.В здании нет лифта, оно было полностью перестроено с учетом энергоэффективности. .Арендная плата НЕ включает газ и электричество.Есть подключение WIFI. Нет парковочного места.НИКАКИХ АГЕНТСТВ.Изображения/размеры/текст не являются договорными обязательствами.

Bilocale via alessandro volta 47, centro storico, como

Bilocale via alessandro volta 47, centro storico, como

€ 1.300,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

como, all'interno della citta' murata affittasi bilocale posto al piano primo di ampia metratura.l'immobile e' stato recentemente ristrutturato e viene locato completamente arredato ed e' composto da ingresso, ripostiglio, soggiorno ampio con cucina a vista, disimpegno, bagno e camera con soppalco..canone msnile 1.300 € oltre 100 € mensili di spee posto auto.impianti di riscaldamento e codnizionamento affitta con contratto 4+4libero da novembre 2024

Trilocale via alessandro volta 64, centro storico, como

Trilocale via alessandro volta 64, centro storico, como

€ 1.800,00
Su Case in affitto Como 27 giorni fa

Сдается роскошная трехкомнатная квартира Via Volta 64В городе-крепости, в полностью отреставрированном историческом здании 18 века, доступном с января 2025 года, красивая мансардная квартира на 3-м и последнем этаже с лифтом.Квартира включает в себя прихожую, большую гостиная с дизайнерской открытой кухней и кварцевым покрытием, спальня с двуспальной кроватью и собственной ванной комнатой, вторая спальня и вторая полностью оборудованная ванная комната с ванной. Кроме того, он оснащен автономным отоплением и кондиционером. В ремонте использовались материалы высочайшего качества, полы из дубовых досок и потолки с открытыми белыми балками. Превосходную яркость гарантируют 11 впечатляющих полностью электрифицированных мансардных окон и оригинальные боковые окна. Апартамент полностью меблирован и оборудован изысканными и изысканными элементами. Несмотря на то, что квартира расположена в самом центре, она предлагает максимальную тишину и спокойствие. Удобно добираться до всех основных служб, школ, государственных учреждений, больниц, магазинов и супермаркетов, а также до автобусных и железнодорожных остановок FNM и FS. В нескольких минутах езды от швейцарской границы. Возможность парковочного места в крытом гараже в том же кондоминиуме (200 евро) или в нескольких минутах ходьбы (120 евро) и место для велосипедов.КОНТРАКТ: ПЕРЕХОДНАЯ АРЕНДА1800/МЕСЯЦ РАСХОДЫ НА КОНДОМИНИУМ: ВКЛЮЧЕНЫБЕСПЛАТНО С 1 ЯНВАРЯ 2025ГОДАТрёхкомнатная роскошная квартира в аренду на Виа Вольта 64Внутри города-крепости, в историческом здании XVIII века, полностью отреставрированном, доступном с января 2025 года очень красивом мансардная квартира на 3-м и последнем этаже, оборудованная лифтом. Квартира состоит из прихожей, большой гостиной с кухней открытого дизайна, облицованной кварцем, главной спальни с ванной комнатой, второй комнаты и Вторая полностью оборудованная ванная комната с ванной. Кроме того, он оснащен автономным отоплением и системой кондиционирования. В ремонте использовались высококачественные материалы: реечный дубовый пол и потолок с выступающими белыми балками. Идеальный свет обеспечивают одиннадцать впечатляющих мансардных окон, полностью автоматизированных, и оригинальные боковые небольшие окна. Квартира полностью меблирована и дополнена изысканными и полированными элементами.Даже если она расположена в самом центре, в квартире очень тихо и бесшумно. Рядом со всеми основными услугами, школами, государственными учреждениями, больницами, магазинами и супермаркетами, а также автобусными остановками и железнодорожными станциями (FNM и FS). В нескольких минутах езды от швейцарской границы. Возможность парковочного места в крытом гараже внутри здания (200 евро) или в нескольких минутах ходьбы (120 евро), а также наличие помещения для хранения велосипедов. КОНТРАКТ: КРАТКОСРОЧНЫЙ АРЕНДА 1800/МЕСЯЦАДМИНИСТРАТИВНЫЕ РАСХОДЫ: ВКЛЮЧЕНЫ ЗАНЯТИЕ ДО 31.12.24

Bilocale via alessandro volta 57, centro storico, como

Bilocale via alessandro volta 57, centro storico, como

€ 1.200,00
Su Case in affitto Como 27 giorni fa

Мы предлагаем красивую, недавно отремонтированную двухкомнатную квартиру, расположенную в самом центре города, в зоне с ограниченным движением транспорта, в нескольких шагах от всех удобств, которые может предложить город-крепость. Состоит из спальни с двуспальной кроватью, гостиной с мини-кухней и ванной комнаты со стиральной машиной. Квартира оборудована кондиционером и расположена на четвертом этаже здания с лифтом. Квартира доступна с 1 октября по переходному контракту на 12/18 месяцев - без субаренды при аренде дома для отдыха. Запрос составляет 1200 евро + 100 евро (расходы на кондоминиум) в месяц, коммунальные услуги за газ и электричество отдельно. Для получения дополнительной информации или записи на прием отправьте сообщение WhatsApp на номер 3469738220, с вами свяжутся как можно скорее.

Bilocale via della libertà 18, camnago volta, como

Bilocale via della libertà 18, camnago volta, como

€ 800,00
Su Case in affitto Como 27 giorni fa

КОМО: Камнаго ВольтаВ районе, окруженном зеленью, мы предлагаем в аренду квартиру на первом этаже, состоящую из: прихожей, гостиной с кухней и выходом на балкон, прихожей, спальни с выходом на балкон и ванной комнаты.Завершите строительство. гараж на одного человека.Контекст недавно построен, оборудован лифтом и в пяти минутах езды на машине от Комо.Квартира полностью меблирована и имеет автономное отопление.

Appartamento in affitto a como via alessandro volta, 47

Appartamento in affitto a como via alessandro volta, 47

€ 1.300,00
Su Case in affitto Como 18 giorni fa

Como, all'interno della citta' murata affittasi bilocale posto al piano primo di ampia metratura.L'immobile e' stato recentemente ristrutturato e viene locato completamente arredato ed e' composto da ingresso, ripostiglio, soggiorno ampio con cucina a vista, disimpegno, bagno e camera con soppalco..Canone msnile 1.300 € oltre 100 € mensili di spee condominiali.No posto auto.Impianti di riscaldamento e codnizionamento autonomi.Si affitta con contratto 4+4Libero da novembre 2024

Appartamento in affitto a como via alessandro volta, 57

Appartamento in affitto a como via alessandro volta, 57

€ 1.200,00
Su Case in affitto Como 30 giorni fa

Si propone grazioso bifocale recentemente ristrutturato, collocato in posizione centralissima, in zona ztl a pochi passi da tutte le comodità che il città murata può offrire. Composto da una camera da letto matrimoniale, salotto con angolo cottura e bagno con lavatrice. L'unità è dotata di aria condizionata e si trova al quarto piano di un palazzo con ascensore. L'appartamento è disponibile da subito per contratto transitorio di 12/18 mesi - no sublocazione per affitti case vacanze. La richiesta è di 1200€ + 100€ (spese condominiali) mensili, utenze di gas e luce a parte. Per ulteriori informazioni o per fissare un appuntamento si prega di mandare un messaggio whatsapp al 3469738220, verrete ricontattati al più presto.

Monolocale via rezzonico, sant'agostino, como

Monolocale via rezzonico, sant'agostino, como

€ 1.760,00
Su Case in affitto Como 27 giorni fa

This cozy and romantic 1-bedroom flat in Como is the perfect retreat for a couple seeking a charming and well-equipped place to stay. Here are the key details:Property Description:Accommodates 2 guests.1 bedroom with a queen-size bed.1 bathroom.The flat covers 430 square feet (40 square meters).Situated on the 1st floor of the building.Amenities:Beautifully furnished and stylishly decorated.Well-equipped kitchen with essential appliances.Free parking available.A 15-minute walk to Tempio Voltiano and Lake Como.Just an 8-minute walk to Imbarco Battelli, offering breathtaking views.Conveniently located, with a 2-minute walk to Como Lago train stop.An extensive area guide is provided.Essential amenities, linens, towels, and WiFi are included.Living Spaces:A comfy living room with a flat-screen TV. A fully equipped kitchen and dining area suitable for up to 2 guests.Access:Guests have exclusive access to the entire apartment. Free parking is available on the property.The flat is on the first floor, but please note there is no elevator. There is one flight of stairs within the property.This charming flat is not only well-equipped but also conveniently located for exploring the beautiful city of Como. Enjoy a romantic getaway in a stylish and comfortable setting, with the convenience of free parking and easy access to the city's attractions.Lake Como: Lake Como, or Lago di Como, is a breathtaking destination in northern Italy. Shaped like an inverted 'Y,' this third-largest Italian lake is renowned for its deep blue waters, charming towns, and elegant villas nestled amidst lush hills and the Italian Alps. It boasts a Mediterranean climate, making it a year-round destination.Exploring: Start in Como to explore the city's historic center, take the funicular to Brunate, and visit the Como Cathedral. Discover Bellagio's charm and iconic Villa Melzi.Ferry Rides: Enjoy the scenic beauty of the lake with ferry rides that connect charming towns.Villas: Visit opulent villas like Villa Carlotta, Villa Balbianello, and Villa Monastero.Outdoor Activities: Hike, bike, or indulge in water sports in the surrounding natural beauty.Cuisine: Savor local dishes like Risotto alla Pescatora and fresh lake fish in regional restaurants.Shopping: Explore local crafts and high-end boutiques along the lake.Relaxation: Lake Como is the perfect place to unwind, soak in serene views, and enjoy a slower pace of life.*Consider the accommodation surface area shown in the listing is not accurate and it is just an indication of the size of the apartment.*The only expense not included in the monthly rent is the city tax, which must be settled during the check-in process.'Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!'\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via coloniola, sant'agostino, como

Monolocale via coloniola, sant'agostino, como

€ 1.870,00
Su Case in affitto Como 23 giorni fa

Exclusive Flat with Stunning Lake View & ParkingAre you ready to start your day with marvelous views of the legendary Lake Como? Book this elegant flat in the center of Como for an amazing holiday with your loved ones. The apartment is within walking distance of major attractions, including Como Cathedral, and it's conveniently located near the Como Lago train station and the Como ferry terminal.Features:1 bedroom.1 bathroom.Dining area.Kitchen.Access to the garden.Free parking.Spaces:This sweet, warm, and welcoming apartment provides stunning lake views, offering the perfect setting for an unforgettable vacation. The flat comfortably accommodates up to 4 guests. Essentials, linens, towels, and a TV are provided.Living, Dining & Kitchen:The apartment features a comfortable sofa that can be converted into a double bed and a flat-screen TV. The dining area, which seats up to 4 people, is right next to the window overlooking magnificent Lake Como. The open-plan kitchen is equipped with all the necessary amenities, including a coffee maker (Moka pot), fridge, induction stove, oven, and kettle.Bedroom & Bathroom:The graciously designed bedroom offers a double bed and a large wardrobe for your belongings. The bathroom has an enclosed glass shower and a bidet.Outdoor Area:There is a chair and a table in the peaceful, flowery garden.Laundry and Extra Appliances:The property is also equipped with a vacuum cleaner, iron, and ironing board for your convenience.Lake Como:Lake Como, or Lago di Como, is a breathtaking destination in northern Italy. Shaped like an inverted 'Y,' this third-largest Italian lake is renowned for its deep blue waters, charming towns, and elegant villas nestled amidst lush hills and the Italian Alps. It boasts a Mediterranean climate, making it a year-round destination.Exploring: Start in Como to explore the city's historic center, take the funicular to Brunate, and visit the Como Cathedral. Discover Bellagio's charm and iconic Villa Melzi.Ferry Rides: Enjoy the scenic beauty of the lake with ferry rides that connect charming towns.Villas: Visit opulent villas like Villa Carlotta, Villa Balbianello, and Villa Monastero.Outdoor Activities: Hike, bike, or indulge in water sports in the surrounding natural beauty.Cuisine: Savor local dishes like Risotto alla Pescatora and fresh lake fish in regional restaurants.Shopping: Explore local crafts and high-end boutiques along the lake.Relaxation: Lake Como is the perfect place to unwind, soak in serene views, and enjoy a slower pace of life.Notes:*Consider the accommodation surface area shown in the listing is not accurate and it is just an indication of the size of the apartment.*The only expense not included in the monthly rent is the city tax, which must be settled during the check-in process.'Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!'\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via morazzone, borghi, como

Monolocale via morazzone, borghi, como

€ 1.650,00
Su Case in affitto Como 23 giorni fa

Charming 1 bed Apt next to the Villa OlmooLake Como:Lake Como, or Lago di Como, is a breathtaking destination in northern Italy. Shaped like an inverted 'Y,' this third-largest Italian lake is renowned for its deep blue waters, charming towns, and elegant villas nestled amidst lush hills and the Italian Alps. It boasts a Mediterranean climate, making it a year-round destination.Visiting Lake Como:Getting There: Lake Como is easily accessible from Milan, with trains and buses connecting the region. Milan Malpensa Airport is the nearest major airport.Accommodation: Choose from a variety of options, from luxury lakeside resorts to quaint boutique hotels in towns like Bellagio, Como, and Varenna.Exploring: Start in Como to explore the city's historic center, take the funicular to Brunate, and visit the Como Cathedral. Discover Bellagio's charm and iconic Villa Melzi.Ferry Rides: Enjoy the scenic beauty of the lake with ferry rides that connect charming towns.Villas: Visit opulent villas like Villa Carlotta, Villa Balbianello, and Villa Monastero.Outdoor Activities: Hike, bike, or indulge in water sports in the surrounding natural beauty.Cuisine: Savor local dishes like Risotto alla Pescatora and fresh lake fish in regional restaurants.Shopping: Explore local crafts and high-end boutiques along the lake.Relaxation: Lake Como is the perfect place to unwind, soak in serene views, and enjoy a slower pace of life.Lake Como, with its natural beauty and cultural richness, offers a harmonious blend of relaxation and exploration for visitors.please, consider the accommodation surface area shown in the listing is not accurate and it is just an indication of the size of the apartmentThe only expense not included in the monthly rent is the city tax, which must be settled during the check-in process.''Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!''\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via morazzone, borghi, como

Monolocale via morazzone, borghi, como

€ 1.980,00
Su Case in affitto Como 23 giorni fa

Charming 1-Bedroom Flat in the Heart of ComoWelcome to this beautifully situated 1-bedroom flat in Como, a spacious and inviting retreat boasting 861 square feet (80 square meters) of living space. This apartment features a well-appointed bedroom with a comfortable double bed, and the living room offers an additional sofa bed, accommodating up to 4 guests. The apartment boasts 1.5 bathrooms for your convenience. The fully equipped kitchen comes complete with all essential appliances, and a lovely balcony adds to your enjoyment. Ideal for those desiring to relish the stunning views of Lake Como and its majestic mountains, this property is perfectly locatedan 8-minute walk to Museo della Seta di Como and a 9-minute walk to Porta Torre. For further exploration, Como Borghi train station is just a short 6-minute walk away.Spaces:1 bedroom with a comfortable double bed.1.5 bathrooms.A comfortable living room equipped with a flat-screen TV and an available sofa bed.A fully equipped kitchen with all essential appliances.A dining area suitable for up to 4 guests.A cozy balcony at your disposal.Family-friendly.Access:Guests will have exclusive access to the entire apartment.Please note that there is no free parking available at this property, but a nearby Blue line parking area is accessible for 1 per hour.The property is located on the second floor, with no lift available.There are four flights of stairs leading to the property.Lake Como: Lake Como, or Lago di Como, is a breathtaking destination in northern Italy. Shaped like an inverted 'Y,' this third-largest Italian lake is renowned for its deep blue waters, charming towns, and elegant villas nestled amidst lush hills and the Italian Alps. It boasts a Mediterranean climate, making it a year-round destination.Exploring: Start in Como to explore the city's historic center, take the funicular to Brunate, and visit the Como Cathedral. Discover Bellagio's charm and iconic Villa Melzi.Ferry Rides: Enjoy the scenic beauty of the lake with ferry rides that connect charming towns.Villas: Visit opulent villas like Villa Carlotta, Villa Balbianello, and Villa Monastero.Outdoor Activities: Hike, bike, or indulge in water sports in the surrounding natural beauty.Cuisine: Savor local dishes like Risotto alla Pescatora and fresh lake fish in regional restaurants.Shopping: Explore local crafts and high-end boutiques along the lake.Relaxation: Lake Como is the perfect place to unwind, soak in serene views, and enjoy a slower pace of life.*Consider the accommodation surface area shown in the listing is not accurate and it is just an indication of the size of the apartment.*The only expense not included in the monthly rent is the city tax, which must be settled during the check-in process.'Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!'\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via catenazzi, ponte chiasso, como

Monolocale via catenazzi, ponte chiasso, como

€ 854,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

Ponte Chiasso: Situato in prossimità del confine svizzero, questo spazioso negozio offre una posizione strategica per il tuo business.La soluzione, di circa 55 mq, possiede un comodo soppalco che offre ulteriori opportunità di spazio.Caratteristiche Principali: * Bagno privato incluso per la tua comodità e quella dei clienti. * Magazzino incluso per lo stoccaggio efficiente delle merci. * Ampia vetrina che offre visibilità e luminosità al tuo negozio. * Ambiente adatto per una varietà di attività commerciali.Per maggiori dettagli o per organizzare una visita, non esitare a contattarci. Questa è un'opportunità unica per stabilire la tua attività in una posizione strategica vicino al confine svizzero.

Monolocale via 20 settembre, borghi, como

Monolocale via 20 settembre, borghi, como

€ 750,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

Situato nella centralissima zona Borghi di Como, a pochi passi dalla città murata, dai mezzi pubblici e dalle scuole, questo mini appartamento rappresenta un'opportunità unica. Posto al terzo piano con ascensore, l'immobile offre un ambiente accogliente e funzionale.L'ingresso, in condivisione con l'unità principale, introduce in uno spazio ben organizzato composto da una luminosa stanza con letto matrimoniale, una pratica cucina a vista e un bagno privato. La posizione strategica e la presenza dell'ascensore rendono questo appartamento comodo e facilmente accessibile.Le spese condominiali e il gas sono inclusi nel canone di affitto, semplificando la gestione delle utenze. L'unico costo aggiuntivo è rappresentato dalla corrente elettrica. Il contratto proposto è di tipo transitorio, offrendo flessibilità agli inquilini. L'immobile sarà disponibile da metà novembre ed è ideale per una sola persona.  La richiesta mensile per l'affitto è di € 700,00.Per rimanere aggiornato sulle nostre proposte immobiliari, seguici su Facebook e clicca "Mi Piace" sulla nostra pagina Immobilservice. Non perdere l'occasione di vivere in un mini appartamento comodo e ben posizionato a Como!

Monolocale via bellinzona, ponte chiasso, como

Monolocale via bellinzona, ponte chiasso, como

€ 1.800,00
Su Case in affitto Como 27 giorni fa

Modern and comfortable apartment just few minutes from the city center, between Como and Switzerland.The apartment, bright and finely furnished, is located on the first floor of a building with an elevator. The entrance opens onto the living area, furnished with a sofa, a television, a dining table, a fully-equipped kitchen with an oven, a microwave, a kettle, a juicer and a toaster. From the living room guests can access the balcony. The sleeping area boasts a bedroom with a queen-size bed and a closet. A bathroom with a shower completes the layout. At guests' disposal amenities such as washing machine, iron, wi-fi and heating.*Guests will benefit from a garage inside the property.\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via francesco anzani, borghi, como

Monolocale via francesco anzani, borghi, como

€ 2.000,00
Su Case in affitto Como 27 giorni fa

Modern studio a few steps from Como Borghi station and the city center, also convenient to reach the University of Insubria.The apartment, located on the first floor of a building with an elevator, opens onto the living room furnished with a double sofa bed, a coffee table, a large closet, a TV and a dining table. The small kitchen, fully equipped with an oven, a kettle, a microwave and a juicer, can be closed through a bellows door. Separated by a wall, the sleeping area includes a queen-size bed and a dresser. A French door in the living room leads to the terrace with table and chairs where guests can relax in the open air. A bathroom with a shower completes the layout.At guests' disposal amenities such as free wifi, washing machine, iron, air conditioning and heating.*Please note that the price displayed is meant for up to 2 people. For any additional guest, an extra fee of 200 per person per month is applied.We also offer to our guests truly authentic experiences to live like a local. If interested, contact us and we will be more than happy to help you out designing an unforgettable holiday to discover Italian beauties.Lake Como offers some of the most striking urban, landscape and architectural gems of the entire Italian peninsula. Among these treasures stands Como, the main urban center of the western branch of the lake. Como attracts international tourism linked to the picturesque natural scenery and is an industrial center based on the silk trade. Como is a fascinating, elegant, romantic and well-kept city, surrounded by medieval walls that house the historic center, with cobbled streets and magnificent squares. The lakeside promenade with several 18th century villas and the Tempio Voltiano are some of the main highlights of the territory. Among the most fascinating aspects of this village there are undoubtedly its charming villas, famous all over the world for their splendor and their manicured gardens. Among the most famous are Villa Olmo, a fine example of neoclassical architecture and home to important exhibitions, and "La Rotonda", a 18th century villa and seat of the Provincial Administration. Near the lakeside promenade, travelers can find the main square of the city, dominated by the Broletto (the ancient city-hall built in 1215). The square also boasts the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, one of the most fascinating examples of Italian Gothic art. Finally, it is suggested to go up to visit the village of Brunate, accessible by a funicular, symbol of the city, from where visitors can admire a suggestive panorama surrounded by the art nouveau residences.The apartment is 550 m from Como Borghi train station, while the nearest airports are Malpensa (40 min drive) and Bergamo (1 hour and 20 min drive). \nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via bellinzona, monte olimpino, como

Monolocale via bellinzona, monte olimpino, como

€ 2.200,00
Su Case in affitto Como 23 giorni fa

Elegant Apartment with Terrace near Scenic Lake ComoIndulge in an impeccable and stylish holiday at the breathtaking Lake Como with this fashionable apartment. Nestled in a serene corner of Como, it's just a leisurely stroll away from the picturesque lakeshore and the renowned Villa Olmo. This apartment boasts 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a comfortable living room with a dining area, a fully equipped kitchen, and a lovely terrace. Your every need is catered to, and there's even a garage for your convenience.The Space:The apartment exudes style and sophistication, illuminated by the natural light streaming through the generous windows. Start your day with a tranquil coffee on the terrace, prepare your favorite meals in the modern kitchen, and unwind with a restful night's sleep in the cozy bedroom.The apartment features 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a spacious living room with a dining area, a fully equipped kitchen, and a charming terrace, comfortably accommodating up to 4 guests.Living Room, Dining & Kitchen:The living room features a comfortable sofa that can be transformed into a double bed, a practical wall cabinet, a TV, and a dining area that can seat up to 4 guests. The open-plan kitchen is thoughtfully equipped with a fridge, coffee maker (Moka pot), stove, oven, juicer, toaster, and dishwasher. It also offers a bar table with 4 chairs for convenient dining.Bedroom & Bathroom:The bedroom is furnished with a queen-size bed, two nightstands, a cabinet, and an inviting armchair. The bathroom is generously sized, boasting both a shower and a bathtub, along with a bidet.Outdoor Area:On the terrace, you'll find a table and 2 chairs, providing a serene spot to savor the peaceful city views.Laundry and Additional Appliances:The property is equipped with an iron, ironing board, vacuum cleaner, and a washing machine for your convenience.Lake Como:Lake Como, or Lago di Como, is a breathtaking destination in northern Italy. Shaped like an inverted 'Y,' this third-largest Italian lake is renowned for its deep blue waters, charming towns, and elegant villas nestled amidst lush hills and the Italian Alps. It boasts a Mediterranean climate, making it a year-round destination.Exploring: Start in Como to explore the city's historic center, take the funicular to Brunate, and visit the Como Cathedral. Discover Bellagio's charm and iconic Villa Melzi.Ferry Rides: Enjoy the scenic beauty of the lake with ferry rides that connect charming towns.Villas: Visit opulent villas like Villa Carlotta, Villa Balbianello, and Villa Monastero.Outdoor Activities: Hike, bike, or indulge in water sports in the surrounding natural beauty.Cuisine: Savor local dishes like Risotto alla Pescatora and fresh lake fish in regional restaurants.Shopping: Explore local crafts and high-end boutiques along the lake.Relaxation: Lake Como is the perfect place to unwind, soak in serene views, and enjoy a slower pace of life.*Consider the accommodation surface area shown in the listing is not accurate and it is just an indication of the size of the apartment.*The only expense not included in the monthly rent is the city tax, which must be settled during the check-in process.'Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!'\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via volpi, centro storico, como

Monolocale via volpi, centro storico, como

€ 1.980,00
Su Case in affitto Como 23 giorni fa

Elegant 1-Bedroom Apartment in the Heart of Como, Steps from DuomoExperience the enchantment of Como with a stay in this beautiful 1-bedroom apartment, perfectly situated just a stone's throw from the iconic Duomo di Como. This charming retreat offers a delightful getaway for you and your loved ones. Located in the very heart of Como, you'll be within walking distance of all major attractions, as well as the convenient Como S. Giovanni train station and ferry terminal.Property Highlights:Accommodates 4 guests1 bedroom1 bathroomConvenient 1st-floor locationA Stylish Space:Step inside this elegantly designed apartment that instantly feels like home. It's an inviting space where you can relax with friends or family in the lovely living room, prepare your favorite meals in the modern kitchen, and enjoy a restful night's sleep in the cozy bedroom. The apartment is professionally cleaned and perfect for short-term getaways or extended stays. It features 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a comfortable living room with a dining area, and a fully equipped kitchen. You'll find all the essentials, linens, towels, a TV, and WiFi for your convenience.Living Area, Dining & Kitchen:The living room offers a comfortable sofa that can easily convert into a double bed, a decorative fireplace, a handy cupboard, and a dining area accommodating up to 4 guests. The open-plan kitchen is fully equipped with all the modern amenities you need, including a fridge, stove, microwave, juicer, toaster, kettle, and dishwasher.Bedroom & Bathroom:The spacious bedroom boasts a double bed, two bedside tables, a cheerful yellow armchair, a generous wardrobe, a mirror, a cabinet, and a TV. There's also a dedicated workspace with a table and chair for your convenience. The bathroom features a sleek shower cabin and comes stocked with essential toiletries, linens, and fluffy towels.Lake Como:Lake Como, or Lago di Como, is a breathtaking destination in northern Italy. Shaped like an inverted 'Y,' this third-largest Italian lake is renowned for its deep blue waters, charming towns, and elegant villas nestled amidst lush hills and the Italian Alps. It boasts a Mediterranean climate, making it a year-round destination.Exploring: Start in Como to explore the city's historic center, take the funicular to Brunate, and visit the Como Cathedral. Discover Bellagio's charm and iconic Villa Melzi.Ferry Rides: Enjoy the scenic beauty of the lake with ferry rides that connect charming towns.Villas: Visit opulent villas like Villa Carlotta, Villa Balbianello, and Villa Monastero.Outdoor Activities: Hike, bike, or indulge in water sports in the surrounding natural beauty.Cuisine: Savor local dishes like Risotto alla Pescatora and fresh lake fish in regional restaurants.Shopping: Explore local crafts and high-end boutiques along the lake.Relaxation: Lake Como is the perfect place to unwind, soak in serene views, and enjoy a slower pace of life.*Consider the accommodation surface area shown in the listing is not accurate and it is just an indication of the size of the apartment.*The only expense not included in the monthly rent is the city tax, which must be settled during the check-in process.'Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!'\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via francesco anzani, borghi, como

Monolocale via francesco anzani, borghi, como

€ 1.760,00
Su Case in affitto Como 23 giorni fa

Charming Apartment with Balcony in a Tranquil Como NeighborhoodDiscover the perfect blend of unique design and tranquility in this remarkable apartment situated in a quiet district of Como. Just a short stroll from the Como Silk Museum and a brief 20-minute walk or a quick 5-minute drive to the city center, this apartment offers you the ideal setting for a genuinely relaxing vacation. It features 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a stylish living room with a dining area, a fully equipped kitchen, and a delightful balcony. All the essentials, linens, towels, a TV, and WiFi are provided for your convenience.The Space:This apartment offers impeccable style and fashionable decor, creating the perfect ambiance for an unforgettable vacation. Delight in its modern design and take note of the original details that make it truly unique from the decorative masks in the bathroom to the colorful chairs in the living room and the captivating black-and-white prints in the hallway.The apartment comprises 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a comfortable living room with a dining area, a fully equipped kitchen, and a charming balcony. It's ideal for 2 guests.Living Room, Dining & Kitchen:Step into the welcoming living room, complete with a spacious and cozy sofa, an inviting armchair, a practical wall cabinet, a flat-screen TV, and a dining table with seating for 4. The separate kitchen is fully equipped with all the modern amenities you need, including a coffee machine, fridge, stove, oven, juicer, kettle, and dishwasher. There's also a dining area for up to 2 guests.Bedroom & Bathroom:The elegant bedroom features a queen-size bed, a cabinet, a bedside table, a work/study table with a chair, a TV, and a generous wardrobe for all your belongings. The bathroom boasts a sleek glass shower cabin and a bidet.Outdoor Area:Step outside onto the small balcony, which offers views of the city and a charming spot to enjoy the fresh air.Laundry and Additional Appliances:The property is equipped with an iron, ironing board, vacuum cleaner, and a washing machine for your convenience.Experience the ideal combination of style and serenity with a stay in this one-of-a-kind Como apartment. Reserve your stay today!Lake Como: Lake Como, or Lago di Como, is a breathtaking destination in northern Italy. Shaped like an inverted 'Y,' this third-largest Italian lake is renowned for its deep blue waters, charming towns, and elegant villas nestled amidst lush hills and the Italian Alps. It boasts a Mediterranean climate, making it a year-round destination.Exploring: Start in Como to explore the city's historic center, take the funicular to Brunate, and visit the Como Cathedral. Discover Bellagio's charm and iconic Villa Melzi.Ferry Rides: Enjoy the scenic beauty of the lake with ferry rides that connect charming towns.Villas: Visit opulent villas like Villa Carlotta, Villa Balbianello, and Villa Monastero.Outdoor Activities: Hike, bike, or indulge in water sports in the surrounding natural beauty.Cuisine: Savor local dishes like Risotto alla Pescatora and fresh lake fish in regional restaurants.Shopping: Explore local crafts and high-end boutiques along the lake.Relaxation: Lake Como is the perfect place to unwind, soak in serene views, and enjoy a slower pace of life.*Consider the accommodation surface area shown in the listing is not accurate and it is just an indication of the size of the apartment.*The only expense not included in the monthly rent is the city tax, which must be settled during the check-in process.'Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!'\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Monolocale via volpi, centro storico, como

Monolocale via volpi, centro storico, como

€ 1.760,00
Su Case in affitto Como 23 giorni fa

Nice Apartment in the Center of ComoThis elegant apartment in charming Como is the perfect place for a delightful stay. With 269 square feet (25 square meters) of living space, it's well-suited for up to 2 guests. The bedroom features a cozy double bed, ensuring a comfortable night's sleep.The apartment includes a fully equipped kitchen area with all the necessary appliances for your culinary needs. The dining area can accommodate up to 2 guests, making it perfect for a romantic meal.In the living room, you'll find a comfortable space with a Smart TV, offering entertainment during your stay. The bathroom provides essential facilities to meet your needs.Conveniently located, this apartment is only a 4-minute walk from the Basilica of San Fedele, close to the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta (Duomo di Como), and a 2-minute walk from the bus stop 'Como - Verdi bus.Spaces:1 bedroom:The bedroom is complete with a cozy double bed.1 bathroom.A comfortable living room with a Smart TV.A fully equipped kitchen area with all necessary appliances.Dining area suitable for up to 2 guests.Access:Guests will have exclusive access to the entire apartment.The property is located on the third floor, and there is no elevator available. There are 6 flights of stairs to reach the property. There is 1 flight of stairs inside the property.Lake Como: Lake Como, or Lago di Como, is a breathtaking destination in northern Italy. Shaped like an inverted 'Y,' this third-largest Italian lake is renowned for its deep blue waters, charming towns, and elegant villas nestled amidst lush hills and the Italian Alps. It boasts a Mediterranean climate, making it a year-round destination.Exploring: Start in Como to explore the city's historic center, take the funicular to Brunate, and visit the Como Cathedral. Discover Bellagio's charm and iconic Villa Melzi.Ferry Rides: Enjoy the scenic beauty of the lake with ferry rides that connect charming towns.Villas: Visit opulent villas like Villa Carlotta, Villa Balbianello, and Villa Monastero.Outdoor Activities: Hike, bike, or indulge in water sports in the surrounding natural beauty.Cuisine: Savor local dishes like Risotto alla Pescatora and fresh lake fish in regional restaurants.Shopping: Explore local crafts and high-end boutiques along the lake.Relaxation: Lake Como is the perfect place to unwind, soak in serene views, and enjoy a slower pace of life.*Consider the accommodation surface area shown in the listing is not accurate and it is just an indication of the size of the apartment.*The only expense not included in the monthly rent is the city tax, which must be settled during the check-in process.'Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!'\nTraduci la descrizione dell'annuncio in italiano

Trilocale via giuseppe gorio 17, valduce - crispi, como

Trilocale via giuseppe gorio 17, valduce - crispi, como

€ 1.200,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

Como, Via Gorio. A DUE PASSI DAL DUOMO e dalle stazioni delle Ferrovie Nord e dei bus. Al piano rialzato con ascensore di un signorile edificio residenziale disponiamo di un ampio trilocale non arredato COMPLETAMENTE RISTRUTTURATO A NUOVO composto da spazioso disimpegno d’ingresso, due camere da letto, un bagno, ampia zona giorno con soggiorno ed angolo cottura. I LAVORI HANNO COMPRESO IL TOTALE RIFACIMENTO DEL BAGNO, LA POSA DI PARQUET E LA SOSTITUZIONE DELLE PORTE INTERNE. Annessa anche cantina ed autorimessa. Servizio portineria. Spese condominiali € 1.900,00 (circa) e comprendono acqua per tre persone, energia elettrica parti comuni, portineria, quota fissa riscaldamento (esclusa quota a consumo) e pulizie. Affitto mensile € 1.200,00 Classe G – Eph kWh/mqa 294,12.Nessuna spesa di agenzia – direttamente dal proprietarioPer qualsiasi informazione chiamare i nostri uffici allo 031626561

Monolocale via brogeda 44, ponte chiasso, como

Monolocale via brogeda 44, ponte chiasso, como

€ 600,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

como : grazioso monolocale , ampio come da foto, ben distribuito ed organizzato nello spazio interno. a due passi dalla dogana di ponte chiasso , raggiungibile anche a piedi, oppure dogana di maslianico a preferenza. ingresso su disimpegno fruibile che accede a locale unico zona giorno e notte, con cucina semi-separata a cottura come da foto, locale notte/giorno, con letto a scomparsa, per goderne lo spazio fruibile di giorno. servizi. il tutto con arredo completo. libero da meta' novembre, richiesta mensile per € 600.00 (oltre a condominio circa 70 euro al mese, incluso condominio e consumo acqua) autonomo, bassi consumi, ideale per frontaliere. myamay s. tel. 340 2318397

Monolocale via pio xi, monte olimpino, como

Monolocale via pio xi, monte olimpino, como

€ 950,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

Sagnino: monolocale per una persona con giardino privato e posto auto disponibile solo per contratti transitori.L’appartamento, di circa 35 mq, è completamente arredato e pronto per essere abitato.La zona giorno e notte si presenta come uno spazio unico e ben organizzato, con un divano letto e un tavolo da pranzo. L'angolo cottura è dotato di tutti gli elettrodomestici essenziali, inclusi fornelli, frigorifero, mentre il bagno moderno dispone di una doccia.Tutte le spese sono incluse.

Monolocale via giovio 28, centro storico, como

Monolocale via giovio 28, centro storico, como

€ 1.500,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

Предлагаем в аренду на короткий срок светлую, меблированную и оборудованную квартиру, расположенную в самом центре Комо, в нескольких шагах от озера. Имущество приветствует вас большой спальней с открытой кухней со всем необходимым, удобная ванная комната с гаражным душем. Арендная плата включает в себя расходы на коммунальные услуги, расходы на кондоминиум и бесплатное подключение к Wi-Fi.Ставки: 130,00 евро/день - 800,00 евро/неделя - 1500,00 евро/месяц Свяжитесь с нами для получения предложенияДля получения дополнительной информации и/или просмотра объекта недвижимости свяжитесь с нами. свяжитесь с нами по телефону 031 66 90 109 или 366 36 34 RUSSOMANNO STUDIO IMMOBILIARE V.le Giulio Cesare 2A Como.

Monolocale via dante, 20, valduce - crispi, como

Monolocale via dante, 20, valduce - crispi, como

€ 800,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

Очень особенная и великолепная квартира, полностью отремонтированная и недавно обставленная дизайнерской мебелью и высококачественной бытовой техникой, площадью около 45 м2, расположенная на первом этаже старинного дома в самом центральном районе города, с очень хорошим транспортным сообщением. и в нескольких шагах от озера и главного железнодорожного вокзала. Апартамент состоит из: прихожей, гостиной с кухонным уголком и диваном-кроватью, ванной комнаты. Автономное отопление, незначительные сборы за кондоминиум.

Monolocale via brogeda 44, ponte chiasso, como

Monolocale via brogeda 44, ponte chiasso, como

€ 550,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

Ponte Chiasso: monolocale con box per contratto transitori di massimo 18 mesi.L'immobile è composto da cucinotto, sala con letto matrimoniale e bagno con doccia.Completa la soluzione un box singolo.

Monolocale via andrea alciato, como sole, como

Monolocale via andrea alciato, como sole, como

€ 750,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

Como Borghi, ideale per al massimo due persone, in zona comoda a tutti i servizi, fermate autobus, stazione, a 15 minuti a piedi dal centro storico, disponiamo di monolocale di 40 mq circa totalmente arredato con arredo su misura e disposto in modo da poter sfruttare al meglio tutti gli spazi. L'immobile è posto al piano rialzato, ed è così composto: ingresso, zona notte con due lettini, cucina semi separata dal mobile e bagno. Annesso posto auto scoperto. Termoautonomo. Spese condominiali € 100,00 mensili, spese per utenze € 100,00 con conguaglio alla fine dell'anno.Non sono ammessi animali. Richieste referenze.Disponibile da fine DicembreContratto transitorio, non c'è la possibilità di richiedere residenza.Richiesta mensile € 750,00Seguici su Instagram e clicca “mi piace” alla nostra pagina Immobilservice_como per rimanere sempre aggiornato sulle nostre migliori offerte immobiliari.

Monolocale via antonio giussani, camerlata - rebbio, como

Monolocale via antonio giussani, camerlata - rebbio, como

€ 600,00
Su Case in affitto Como 6 giorni fa

Trova Affitto не является агентством недвижимости и не осуществляет посредническую деятельность. Это рекламодатель, который предлагает информационную услугу для доступа к базе данных, содержащей предложения объектов недвижимости от частных владельцев, которые также можно бесплатно найти на других порталах. Никаких посреднических издержек, но единая плата за пользование услугой. Мы предлагаем идеальную квартиру для приграничных пассажиров, удобную для передвижения на общественном транспорте, рядом с центром и всеми бытовые услуги.В приличном и хорошо построенное жилое здание, бесплатное СРАЗУ, идеально подходит для студентов или одиноких рабочих, мы предлагаем недвижимость площадью около 37 м2, на 2-м этаже и уже МЕБЛИРОВАНА. Квартира состоит из одной комнаты с жилой площадью, ХОРОШО ОТДЕЛЕННОЙ от спальная зона, полностью меблированная, с окном, прилегающим к мини-кухне с открытой кухней, и меблированная ванная комната с душем и окном. ВКЛЮЧАЕТ РАСХОДЫ НА КОНДОМИНИУМ ЗАПРОС 600 ЕВРО/месяц.

Principali categorie a Como
  • Case in affitto a Como
Ciao e benvenuto su annunci in italia, il portale leader per l'affitto e la vendita di immobili in Italia. Se stai cercando monolocale via volta 17 Case in affitto, siamo qui per aiutarti. Offriamo una vasta gamma di opzioni immobiliari a Como, a prezzi competitivi. Con noi, trovare Case in affitto perfetto per le tue esigenze è facile e veloce. Basta utilizzare il nostro motore di ricerca avanzato per filtrare gli annunci in base alla località, al tipo di immobile, al prezzo e alle caratteristiche che desideri. Inoltre, siamo sempre a tua disposizione per fornirti maggiori informazioni e consigli sulla scelta dell'immobile più adatto a te. Non esitare a contattarci per ulteriori dettagli o per fissare un appuntamento per visitare gli immobili che ti interessano. Speriamo di aiutarti a trovare l'immobile dei tuoi sogni presto!

Basandoci sulla nostra esperienza personale, a Como c'è una grande domanda di Case in affitto, in particolare per monolocale via volta 17. Prezzi a partire da 550 €. è il tuo partner affidabile per la ricerca di immobili. Che tu stia cercando una nuova casa in vendita o una stanza in affitto, ti offre una vasta gamma di opzioni immobiliari. Esplora le nostre offerte e trova la tua nuova casa su